When the door exploded Tacticus was hoping that they weren't a cohesive enough unit to pile into the room like any trained military unit would. Luckily they didn't, these people were not trained to work as a group let alone efficiently. Instead they elected to throw a grenade in which was easily picked up and tossed back out by Donny's biotics. Specifically over to the two Turians leaning out of the doorway to the left. Before either of them were able to react Tacticus began laying rounds into the two Turians with his recently acquired shotgun. The cabal also began putting combined fire at the door way as the two Turians pressed for cover under the hail of bullets and shotgun pellets. When the grenade finally went off it ripped open the remainder of the door still clinging to the frame and busted out the frame and the floor. He couldn't see the damage that it had done to the Turians but considering the grenade was at their feet it most certainly killed them. The gunfire subsided as there was nothing left to shoot at. He did however see one of his team mates throw a warp at the right door and try to curve it around the corner. He couldn't see what he was hitting or if it even hit anything but he assumed more hostiles were about to come in through that door. He dumped the thermal clip in his shotgun and inserted another one waiting for the next person to come in through the door.