[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/xcoy0k.jpg[/img] [h3][color=708090]Koizumi Cheng[/color][/h3] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] Cheng laughed at Hanare's comment, watching her run her fingers across his Orion badge. She toyed with it with a longing in her eyes that didn't go unnoticed by its wearer. [color=708090]"I shudder to think what you'd do if you were wearing it instead,"[/color] he teased. [color=708090]"And what you'd make [i]me[/i] do."[/color] Cheng rolled his shoulder to divert her attention from the trinket. He turned towards his housemate, admiring her appearance briefly before continuing. [color=708090]"If you're that keen on trying one of those meals, you know you can just ask me, right?"[/color] Cheng had seen the special lunches that some of the women in the food staff prepared for Orions during his first three years at the academy. Regular lunch, although was pretty decent in itself, was nothing compared to what the badge-wearing students walked away with. Thinking about it made Cheng's mouth water, and he pushed it from his mind so he wouldn't have to bear with the longing during class time. He knew that Hanare especially lusted after them, and he wouldn't mind placating her by sharing. It just might save his rear in the future. Then the intercom blared, the voice of School Official Morgana filling the hallways. Cheng paused his conversation with Hanare to listen to her announcement - something about a World Journey and directions to find their house elf. As the announcement came to a close, Cheng noticed a circle of younger students in the corner of his eye. They were looking Hanare up and down with barely-restrained stares and whispering among themselves; clearly nothing good. With a cough from his chest, Cheng shot them an appalling glance. Startled from their fantasies, they grumbled and moved along. [color=708090]"You seem to be turning a lot of heads already," he mused. "Seems like nobody's forgotten your first year. Oh, and before I forget myself-"[/color] Cheng reached into his pocket and procured a small, ovoid stone. It was a deep amethyst in color and reflected the light from the hallway's overhead lamps in a spectacular pattern. He'd not forgotten her attraction to particularly lustrous things. [color=708090]"That's for you, free of charge. Should we go find our elf?"[/color]