[center] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/r014bo.jpg[/IMG] [h3][color=red]Sebastian Flynn Williams[/color][/h3] [hr] [/center] “[color=red]Dammit, Flame![/color]” Sebastian hissed under his breath as he began the search for his wolf once more. He had quickly changed into his uniform earlier, his new Orion armband around his bicep as well, and was now searching the Dragon House for his pup. Dodging around, checking under the couch, in the beds, he finally gave up on the inside of the House and hurried out back into the hallway which he had come. In his rush, he accidentally crashed into a young woman [@xXSINXx] making her way in. The startling encounter caused his power to accidentally go off and Sebastian hissed in pain as another mark on the X came about. He stared down at his palm for a brief second, the X flaring red for a moment before receding back to skin color. “[color=red]Sorry,[/color]” he muttered unemotionally to the girl before taking off down the hallway, not even bothering to see if she was okay. He really needed to find Flame before the damn cub got into any more trouble. He ran outside, his eyes scanning the area, until he found the cub with ease. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Kassy had her. At least the pup wasn’t getting into any trouble. He hurried over to Kassy. He smiled at her and said, “[color=red]Thanks for keeping track of her, Kas. I owe you one.[/color]” Right then, the microphone came on and Sebastian looked around. Once the commission was over, he looked at Kassy. “[color=red]Well, this was a brief meeting[/color],” he joked before taking Flame out of her arms. The happy pup was so excited that she climbed up onto his shoulders and sat there like a parrot. Sebastian just shook his head and went to go find his house elf, waving goodbye to Kassy as he did so. But before he did that… He hurried back inside and looked around for the girl[@xXSINXx] he ran into earlier. He hurried over to her and walked right in front of her again, hoping to stop her in her tracks. “[color=red]Hey[/color],” he said. “[color=red]I wanted to formally apologize for my behavior earlier. I had lost Flame and I was really worried. Sorry about running into you.[/color]” The pup yipped in his ear and he stroked her ears. He smiled at the black haired girl and said, “[color=red]My name’s Sebastian. Sebastian Williams. And you are?[/color]” He held out his hand for her to shake.