[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RilMRA3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name:[/b][/center] [center]Kohl Ortega[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b][/center] [center]19[/center] [center][b]Gender:[/b][/center] [center]Male[/center] [center][b]Crew Position:[/b][/center][center] Shipwright[/center] [center][b]Race:[/b][/center] [center]Human[/center] [center][b]Appearance: [/b] [/center] [center]Kohl stands at 6 feet tall, with a lean build to compliment his height. He has crimson red hair that is a distinct feature of his, along with the eye patch located over his right eye and the bandanna that is always wrapped around his forehead. His exposed eye is a light blue and his skin is a light tan. Kohl wears a black overcoat with red trimmings that are the same color as his hair. His pants are a dark grey to go along with his undershirt and his boots are the same black as his overcoat. [/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center] [center] Kohl is a very shy and timid person. Generally too scared to approach others for conversation. Kohl has lived his life on the outside of all the crowds looking in. Wanting to be within the groups of people that passed by but too shy to even approach them. Kohl has lived a lonely life, only talking to people when he really needed too. Although Kohl is a very timid individual, he is very persistent. Never giving up on his dream of having a place he can call home with friends and family alongside him.[/center] [center]Kohl being the shy individual he is never really learned how to communicate with the people around him. Getting highly nervous around people, he normally stutters and mashes his words together. Stuttering and messing up his words doesn't help that he talks with a quiet tone most of the time and is rarely heard. Kohl hates being the center of attention, and the quirks he has when it comes to talking to people only embarrasses him to the point where he gets more attention from the people than he normally wanted, which only adds to his social anxiety.[/center] [center][b]Backstory: [/b][/center] [center]Kohl had always been traveling with his father since he could remember. Town to town, Kohl and his father would repair ships in exchange for rides to the next town. Kohl and his father would go to sleep hungry and thirsty everyday. Barely making enough money to get food and water, they would ration them out everyday. One day while they were on board a pirate ship, Kohl could not sleep. He was too hungry to even close his eyes so he thought a little walk around the ship would get his mind off his stomach. Kohl was walking around when he stumbled upon it. A large chest in the center of a empty room. Kohl could only imagine what was in there, and the first thing that came to mind was gold. Kohl contemplated at first, knowing what his father would say if he got caught stealing, but he also knew his father and him worked hard for near to nothing; it just didn't seem fair to him. Kohl opened the chest in hopes of finding gold, but instead found a large fruit. Kohl started drooling at the mouth, his hunger overtaking his morals and he instantly started eating the fruit. The fruit was horrible, but he downed it anyways. With a semi full stomach now, Kohl went back to his sleeping spot and went to bed.[/center] [center]Kohl started to feel weird things a couple of days after he ate the fruit. Kohl would be doing simple repairs on a ship, and touch a simple piece of wood and it looked like his hand would turn like a solid piece of wood. Kohl would freak out, but when he looked down at his hand again it was normal. Kohl went on like this for a while, touch a rock and his hand would take on a rocky type of feature. Kohl started to analyze the situation and decided he made a terrible choice in eating that fruit. He knew what was going on, because of the pirate gossip going around about devil fruits that grant magical powers to whoever eats them. Kohl's hunger had taken over his mind at that point, and he didn't even think of the consequences when he ate the fruit. Kohl started to figure out his ability. He was able to touch the texture of something and transmit it around his body. He could touch a rock and his entire skin would turn into solid rock, and all he had to do to get it back to normal skin was to focus on how his skin used to feel before he changed it.[/center] [center]Kohl was only 15 when his father passed away, his father was sound asleep one night and never woke up in the morning. Kohl had no idea what to do, his father always took care of him. His father would be the one always finding work. Kohl was lonely, tired, hungry, thirsty, and broke in the middle of a town he didn't even know the name of. Kohl contemplated and mourned his father for a couple days, before doing what he does best. Which is look for work, and travel from town to town, barely getting by. It was what Kohl only knew at that point in his life.[/center] [center]Kohl is now 19 and on his way to Pol Topelia in a one way boat trip. Kohl has told himself since he was 15, that he will try and find a new family. Kohl tells himself at every stop that this will be the stop that he finds friends and family, but he never does. He doesn't even believe in that anymore in the back of his mind, but he keeps telling himself that in order to be motivated to last another day.[/center] [center][b]Long Term Ambition:[/b][/center][center] Find friends and family, a place to call home.[/center] [center][b]Medium Term Ambition:[/b][/center] [center]Find work in Pol Topelia that can give him enough money to last till his next destination.[/center] [center][b]Devil Fruit:[/b][/center] [center]Terra Terra Fruit - Paramecia -[/center] [center]Whenever Kohl touches an object such as a rock he can turn the texture of the rock into his skin. Giving himself a hard, nearly unbreakable rock fist. He can do this throughout his entire body as to make a sort of hard shield that could withstand a far greater blast than his normal flesh skin and bones could. Kohl takes on the properties of the said material he chooses, such as a diamond which is hard to be cut, but can easily be smashed.[/center] [center]Also Kohl can also pick up a item while in the form of a material and turn that item into a material, although be it reasonable. He couldn't turn a entire ship into rock or anything like that. Maybe he wanted to make a piece of wood into a large metal beam as to inflict more damage to the target. The use of this ability will only last a couple minutes after the item has been dropped from Kohl's hand, and it will return to its normal form.[/center] [center][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/center] [center]Kohl is quite strong in his normal human form, normally taking and giving a beating a fair amount. Kohl greatly increases his versatility by using the materials around him to his advantage and giving him a upper hand in not only defensive but offensive capabilities.[/center] [center][b]Notable Equipment:[/b][/center][center] A two string bag of assorted tools, a small rock he keeps in the bag in case he needs a material to turn into.[/center] [center][b]Skills:[/b][/center] [center]Skilled repair man[/center]