As the grenade was directed through the right door, Avatar joined in the volley of fire on the left door. As the explosive had detonated less than a meter out into the hallway, it had likely killed or incapacitated anyone within the lethal blast radius, while the ricochets were likely to damage the shields of others farther away. On the left, the Turians outside were only able to fire into the room briefly before being met with overwhelming return fire. The shields of one were drained before she could react, and several pellets from Avatar's shotgun found their mark in her chest, along with a bullet from one of the Cabal. The other did manage to get back into cover beside the door, but as the walls were not built to withstand sustained fire, enough shots penetrated through that he was taken down as well. Avatar was prepared to eject a thermal clip if the hostiles resumed their attack, but its shotgun had only two remaining to quickly cool the weapon, so they were best used only when necessary. Outside, there was the sound of footsteps moving away from the doors. They were unlikely to be retreating, but after a failed initial attack, they needed to regroup a safe distance from the doors. Inside the room, no one had yet been injured, but the situation was still dangerous. Both of the Turian diplomats and the Asari diplomat were hiding in the same corner of the room as the Turian civilian, while Raa was working on the terminal. None of them would be priority targets for the enemy, except perhaps Raa, but it would only take one stray shot to kill or injure any of them. And, for the duration of the fight, the Turian woman was still curled in a ball on the ground, clutching her head and crying out in pain. It was less than a minute after the hostiles had backed away from the doors that there was the sound of running from down the hall, followed by low voices outside the room. Even Avatar's sensors could not distinguish the words they were speaking, but it appeared that the enemy had been reinforced. After the voiced died down, there were few audible sounds outside the room for approximately half a minute untill, all at once, the enemy attacked once again without warning. A streak of blue flashed across the room from the right doorway, impacting Voira. It was the biotic charge of a hostile, though unlike those they had been fighting, she was not Turian. She was either a Human or an Asari wearing one of the same black, full armor suits as the guards of the Asari who had been delivering orders during the ambush. Her charge had hit Voira directly, but it would take a brief moment for her to orient herself after charging across the room. At the same time, the more hostiles, one Turian and two Vorcha, wearing the same uniform filed in through the right door, while four of the ununiformed Turians they had been fighting rushed through the left door. They were less organized, and perhaps less well-trained than the other group, so they were likely acting on their orders. The enemy was rushing the room all at once, and with the volume of fire that was likely to be exchanged, the diplomats, particularly Raa, were going to be in danger.