[center] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/309ora9.jpg[/IMG] [color=f7941d][h3]Edmund Cage[/h3][/color] [/center] [hr] "[color=f7941d]The World Journey...sounds amazing! I can hardly wait[/color]" Edmund was feeling really excited. He had never heard of this World Journey thing, but it sounded like a lot of fun "[color=f7941d]I wonder what we'll be doing, and how long it will last.[/color] Edmund pulled out of his homemade biscuits (or cookies, as those silly Americans called them) from a paper bag he had with him, and started snacking. "[color=f7941d]Yummm. Got it just right on the first try. I'm so happy I picked up the recipe for [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caramel_shortbread]caramel shortbread[/url]. It really is the bees knees it is.[/color]" Because he was so preoccupied with his treat, he failed to notice the girl with yellow hair that he bumped into. "[color=f7941d]Eh![/color]" He stumbled back, as she fell on the floor. "[color=f7941d]oh dear. Terribly sorry Miss. I really should have been watching where I was going[/color]" He held his hand out to her to help her up. Suddenly, he had an idea. Before she could take his hand, he put it into his paper bag and bulled out another biscuit, which he then held out to her on his once more outstretched hand "[color=f7941d]take it as an apology please[/color]"