A [url=http://pre02.deviantart.net/db2e/th/pre/f/2015/121/1/b/phoenix_by_grypwolf-d8rru5u.png]strange thing[/url] stood in the brush outside of Hernia's estate, low to the ground watching the weird monster outside of her home. It's eyes glowed blue and it moved with a blue flash, moving from place to place it almost teleporting it seemed. It moved around with a blue after image behind it, until it jumped into the air and vanished. Suddenly reappearing between Zane and the thing, Chihiro, or rather the new Chihiro appeared growling and lowering itself. He spoke to Zane and Eos "[color=f26522]Hello again Mistress Eos, I am to assume that you are Master Zane, the new member that we were suppose to get. May I ask if you brought this one here with you?[/color]" he wasn't sure if Zane knew who he was, but all that mattered at the moment was that there was an intruder in Lady Hernia's home, and he wasn't about to lose this either. [hr] After that, it started to rain and Ikkime let go [color=a187be]"Well enough of that, lets go back inside and you can apologize to everyone..."[/color] she turned and Mizura put his hand on the back of his neck. [color=2e3192]"Oh joy..."[/color] they went downstairs and back into the room, just as Eiko was offering herself up to Shiina. Ikkime busted out laughing [color=a187be]"Damn boss, I didn't know you were into girls"[/color] she made a joke and wiped her eyes from both the old tears and the new ones replaced by the scene. [color=a187be]"I suggest you find a room for the two of you, it's a tad bit...well revealing and we also have a new one here, wouldn't want to scare her"[/color] she winked at Jun and looked around for Lucille, looking back at Mizura [color=a187be]"I'm gunna go find out where that blasted girl ran off too, now, go"[/color] Mizura rolled his eyes. As he begun apologizing, Ikkime left the room and ventured through the shop and found Lucille in the rain. Ikkime thought for a moment, before quietly opening the door and standing out in the rain behind Lucille. Wrapping her arms around the little girl, she put her chin on the top of her head and closed her eyes [color=a187be]"thanks..."[/color] she just felt like hugging the girl for the moment, it was...nice. It was different from what had happened the past two days and it was nice to feel the warmth of another person.