Kuraiko's heart eased up a bit as he heard Irry pop up on comm-link. Some words of reassurance that she was well was enough to tide him over for now. "Irry...Just do me a favor, never give [b]ANY[/b] of us a heart attack like that again okay? I'd prefer to go into my later years with good heart health and such." he spoke calmly into his mic as Blade strode up to assist him with the hatch, after removing the debris he was using he stepped aside and watched Blade find the hatch rather easily. [i]Of course I'm too blind to notice that...[/i] he thought, chiding himself for being to hasty in the situation. As always he had to have done something wrong, it was almost becoming a bad habit of his act before thought mentality. Though as he saw Adrian was alright and alive, he was definitely a lot less stressed with everything looking up a tiny bit higher now. After Blade called for Mike to give him a lift, Aihara hopped back into his GEAR, booted it up, and stood ready to follow Mike and provide cover if necessary. "I'm ready, where do you need me?" he stood ready, a stalwart soldier, finally ready to earn his salt among the more veteran squadmates he has been assigned to. They were some of the best the LDF has, in his eyes, and he needed to measure up to the standard and prove his worth to all of them. They were great people, he really was glad to be fighting with them, he wouldn't have it any other way. Especially now, with what they've gone through as a team. They were a bunch of misfits, that was for sure. But damn the Roughriders are one good fucking band of merry misfits, and he loved everyone of'em, even the ones they've lost along the way.