[b]"Caw!"[/b] [color=gray]"Hey, come on Tim. We've been here before."[/color] [b]"Caw!"[/b] [color=gray]"It hasn't even been that long, you can't be hungry."[/color] [b]"Caw, caw!"[/b] [color=gray]"I only have three of those! I'd rather save'em for when we need'em!"[/color] To the layman, they must have made a strange pair. A Spearow with a firm grip on a human's head, occasionally letting out a cry, seemingly talking to the human. The human, meanwhile, responded as if the Spearow was a normal person. The odd duo was in fact just a trainer and his buddy. Steven and a Spearow named Tim. [b]"Caw!"[/b] Tim objected. [color=gray]"You're just bored."[/color] Steven countered, walking at a steady pace. [color=gray]"I know you get hungry when you're bored. You can't have any Oran berries yet."[/color] Tim grumbled and bobbed its head up and down, seemingly in frustration. [color=gray]"That won't work, you know."[/color] Steven said, continuing his pace. [color=gray]"I got used to you years ago."[/color] Tim huffed and went back to looking around at the scenery. Steven continued walking to as he pulled out his map. A Spearow's talons digging into one's head was probably painful for many, but Steven got used to it, and it's not like Tim was trying to hurt him. And it's not like he was old enough to start losing hair anyway. [color=gray]"Let's see..."[/color] Steven said, studying his map. He was trying to get to the local pokemon Lab to begin his trainer journey. His other friends were already off in the wild, trying to have some fun, but Steven figured that if he wanted to go on a grand pokemon adventure, he should grab as much knowledge as he could, so he decided to seek the local pokemon authority, namely Professor Cedar. [i][color=gray]Wonder why all the influential pokemon professors are named after trees... Whatever.[/color][/i] Steven thought. [b]"Caw!"[/b] As he stared at his map, trying to navigate it to the town he was in, Tim let out a warning cry, right as Steven was about to step onto a road. Steven jerked to a stop and backed up, nearly dropping his map as a limousine cruised past. [color=gray]"Woah."[/color] Steven said, rebalancing himself. [color=gray]"Thanks, buddy."[/color] Tim puffed up his chest with pride at the words of praise while Steven stared after the black vehicle as it sped out of sight. Steven wondered who would need such an extravagantly long thing, and where it might be headed. But he soon shrugged and put the thought out of his mind. Steven returned to his map to find that it had miraculously focused on his position. [color=gray]"Aha! Here we are."[/color] Steven said. Tim bent down forward in curiosity to look at the map. [color=gray]"Look, Tim. We're just over here."[/color] Steven said, pointing out a spot on the map. [color=gray]"That means we just gotta walk a little bit more, that way."[/color] Steven pointed out a direction and Tim's body rose to follow it. Tim saw little of interest in that direction and cocked his head sideways. [b]"Caw?"[/b] Tim cooed in confusion. [color=gray]"We can't see it yet, there're buildings in the way."[/color] Steven explained. Unfortunately, their destination was obscured by a few tall buildings of dubious levels of usefullness. [color=gray]"Come on, buddy. It's not too far ahead."[/color] [b]"Caw!"[/b] Tim said, flapping his wings excitedly. The odd duo of man and bird walked through the streets as some strolling pedestrians pointed and talked amongst themselves. Steven and Tim ignored them though, because they didn't care. It was a good day to start a journey with a friend.