[h2][center]Nathaniel[/center][/h2] [@Blackmist16] Stopping the fireball production, he cautiously feels his palm with his other hand. It was not hot. If anything, it felt colder than usual. "No. I do not feel unusually warm." At that moment, he was absorbed into the fact and just started rambling to himself. [i]The way he stated that quandary... does that mean that he feels excessively warm?[/i] Reigniting a tiny fireball and snuffing it a few times in a matter of seconds, he was felt around the back of his hand, palm and even poked the surface of fireball itself. [i]The heat seems to be coming off of my palm, instead of inside my body, which is indeed odd. If it was indeed coming from my body, it is really good at regulating the heat produced. The cold seems to be caused after the fire.[/i] Pausing for a moment, he stared at his palm before looking at Vestus. "Ah, my apologies." He felt awkward having been distracted, pushing up his non-existent glasses with the cool palm before shrugging dismissively. "As I said, I do not feel warm, since it does not seem to come from my body directly. That does seem to be quite a fundamental difference. Does your skin feel usually cold afterwards?" Interested in how Vestus's magic differed from his own, he started with the simple question.