Voira, standing protectively beside Raa, reacted almost instantly as the doors exploded, snapping a barrier over herself and the Quarian. That turned out to be a beneficial move as bullets ricocheted off of her barrier and a grenade tumbled into the room. There was no way the Asari was going to drop the barrier to throw it back out, so she could only hope their allies would react quickly enough to deal with it and the enemies firing through the other door. Fortunately for all involved (well, except the poor bastards out in the hall), the human had reacted quickly enough, Barrier going around and throwing the grenade back outside. The two enemies were cut down in a hail of bullets. Voira could feel the tension rising as the hostiles made various sounds outside, the time seeming to inch by as they waited for the next attack. When it did come, it came blindingly fast and unexpectedly. The biotic charge shattered through Voira's barrier, as it was snapped up in a hurry and meant to stop bullets and shrapnel not a biotically enhanced battering ram. Voira only had a split second to turn and brace, getting slammed into and knocked backwards. She tumbled over the ground, assault rifle knocked Goddess knows where, scrambling to her feet in a heartbeat, drawing her shot gun as she did so. A pathetic relief cut through her rage and panic as she noted it had the anti-armor rounds in it. Still, the invader was [b]right next to Raa.[/b] [i]No. No nononofucknowecantlosehergetthefuckawayfromheryoubitch[/i] Voira's thoughts rapidly disintegrated into a panicked, enraged, need to destroy the biotic who had attacked her. "Die. Die. DIE!" Voira screamed, throwing a blast of biotic energy at the black armored woman, shot gun slugs soon following wherever the biotic dodged or blocked or moved as Voira moved forward to get her away from Raa.