Stukov barked back over the vox as the sniper chewed the Psyker out, rather unfairly in this case. Soon as the Sister opened fire, and the statues lost their cool, odds were they had all been rumbled anyways. He rebutted as the fighting continued and he paused to reload, ducking his head as he did so to allow fire over him without having to worry about getting his head shot off from behind, or from the Sister in front of them continuing to fire. [color=9e0b0f]"Snipes, if the bolter fire, screaming, and statues losing all sense of coy manipulation didn't tip off the rest of the blasted area than I highly doubt that the shockwave is seriously going to create many more problems at this point. Let's get out of this damned place in one piece, assign blame later."[/color] He saved the few remaining blessed slugs and buckshot he had left, considering these statues were, as Boss said, more grounded in the physical than immaterial. So it wouldn't matter nearly as much that there was active, holy disruption ripping through since once the crystal was gone, they were done. That, and he just did not have that much specialty ammo compared to contemporary. The blinding fire from the pistol, Stukov noted, should have been, well, blinding. But the eye protection he was wearing seemed to flare into near darkness and return after the flash was gone, preventing him from being blinded. Stukov had been unaware of that little feature in the shades, so all the better as he couldn't decide whether Watchman punching a statue through the chest was sheer adrenaline on his part or something else. Either way, question later, fight now. It took the Armsman about three rounds, buckshot or slug, to punch through and destroy the crystal on one of these statues, demonstrated on the next one that charged him as he brought the weapon up again as the revolving cylinder snapped into place. First shot kicked into his shoulder and propelled the buck into its chest, second and third also both on target. The third punched through the failing stone and broke the crystal apart quite enough to disrupt its control, sending it to the ground and shattering into pieces. Which barely gave Stukov time to get a snap shot off to knee cap another assailing statue immediately behind it. [color=9e0b0f]"Shit..."[/color] The next two rounds would not be good enough to put down the statue, but he had a plan to make up for that. He pumped the last two loads of buckshot into the damned statue's chest before throwing the shotgun back on its sling, drawing Foehammer and putting a slug clean through its chest. THAT put it down, and he lashed out with his bionic lower leg to trip up the next statue, reloading Foehammer with another slug and firing it into the back before bringing his bionic foot down through its chest cavity, smashing stone and crystal in one, very final thud. Re-holstering Foehammer, he saw the well of warp energy forming and unslung his shotgun, reloading as he kept by the Inquisitor, as Watchman had sounded off in orders, dropping to a kneeling stance again and opening fire, burning through ammo at a healthy rate. Might need to start looting for more weapons, at this rate, since it was clear this place was defended. Might be a conventional armory, or even a working piece amongst the weapons displayed. Ammo would still be a problem, but he would burn that bridge when he got there. [color=9e0b0f]"Watch your spacing! Got another warp trick building!"[/color]