[center][img=http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/raptor-man_zps06c95bcc.png][/center] [center][b]Zac WIlson[/b] | [b]Kelly Brown[/b][/center] [center][b]August: 5 Months Before Concurrent Posts[/b][/center] Zac was unsure whether he should be embracing his girlfriend, rejoicing that, of all the things the terrifying shape could have been, it was Kelly, or should he be having an emotional breakdown because somehow someone has transformed the girl he adored so much into a giant, wasp-human hybrid. Not many things freak out Zac; in fact, he barely flinched when his claws burst out of his hands. But wasps were a different story. As a kid, Zac had been playing in the woods nearby his house, when suddenly, a wasp nest dropped from a tree, landing right in front of Zac. The agitated wasps buzzed out from their wrecked home, seeking retribution for the destruction of their livelihood, and Zac seemed to fit that role of the perfect victim, even though he had done nothing wrong. And if it was not for Zac’s father pulling Zac away from the angry swarm, Zac might have died because of the excessive amount of times the wasps stung him. Even with his father's rescue attempt, ever since that day, Zac had been allergic to a wasp's sting. “Zac, what’s wrong?” Kelly asked, “It’s just me, your girlfriend, Kelly”. Kelly extended her hand towards her boyfriend, yet he swiftly pulled away. And as he rejected his girlfriend’s kind offer, Zac noticed red flashing numbers beside him. First the number ten appeared, then a nine, and they continued to descend. Zac knew that descending numbers did not mean that anything good was about to happen, but rather something exactly opposite to that. He swiftly leaped to his feet, hoisting up Kelly by her waist, and dashed toward the entrance to the hidden chamber. If Zac had exited the hidden door a second later, he and his girlfriend would have been engulfed by a column of fire, a cleansing flame that destroyed all the evidence of whatever happened down below. “Zac, I knew you would come to your senses!” Kelly wrapped all four of her arms around him, but he just shrugged her off. He thought that it would be better of the both of them if he didn’t look. Zac just got up onto his feet and started to walk back toward his house. “Zac, wait!” Kelly cried out. Zac’s footsteps slowed down, but not by much. All the way back to the house, Zac never looked back, and even when they got inside, he did not turn on the lights. After changed their clothes, torn from that disasters that had occurred to them that afternoon, Kelly slipped into Zac’s room, reclining on his bed. “I’m sleeping in your room tonight.” Nevertheless, this statement did not procure a response from Zac; he continued to remain silent. Therefore, Kelly bounced off her boyfriend’s bed and walked over to him. Once she stood next to him, her head being two or three inches above his, she flicked the lights, revealing what she looked like. The complexion of her skin had taken a pale yellow tint. Above her eyebrows protruded two insect antennae. Her human eyes were replaced by black compound lenses (although they were still the same size as her old eyes). A second pair of arms was attached to her hips. Moreover, although her shirt covered them, she had four wasp wings attached to her back. But the wasp abdomen frightened Zac the most; it was attached to her tailbone, hanging down to her knees. While her barb was sheathed, Zac still was nervous that she had one; if a tiny wasp could send Zac to the hospital, what would one prick from her venomous barb do to him? “Zac, I know how much wasps frighten you. I know that much of my body has been made to mimic a wasp’s, but that doesn’t mean I am one. I wasn’t one of those tiny monsters who scarred your childhood when you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m still the same person inside as I was when we swam out to that small island out in the lake. I’m still the girl you met at college. You have been giving me a cold shoulder ever since you discovered that I had something in common with your greatest fear. But I’m still human. Let’s just go to bed tonight and try to figure out what has happened to us when we have clearer heads.” Zac only nodded to Kelly’s suggestion, flipping the lights off as the two headed towards the bed. Yet, even though they slept in the same bed, Zac laid on the farthest edge of the bed. And once he had dosed into a deep sleep, all he could see in his dreams was a room filled with wasps, drowning Zac with the insects’ body mass. As he struggled to keep his head above the wave of wasps, he suddenly felt something, or rather someone pick him up. He saw that Kelly had him in her clutches, the barb protruding from the wasp abdomen. “Don’t do it, Kelly! I beg you!” Zac screamed, but nothing appeased his girlfriend’s rage. In one swift stroke, she jabbed the sharp barb into Zac’s foot. Zac sat straight up in his bed, sweat pouring down his forehead. Zac flipped the covers off him, throwing them over his slumbering girlfriend. While Zac was gazing at his feet, he saw something lurch at his foot. Kelly’s wasp abdomen twitched forward, striking Zac’s foot, causing immense pain to surge through his body. “Holy...!” Zac yelled, rolling off his bed in pain. His crash to the ground jarred Kelly from her sleep. “What happened?” “Get out!” “Why? What did I do?” “Are you kidding me? You sucker punched me with your [explicit] barb! You probably just signed by death warrant. God knows how much poison you just pumped into my body!” “But my barb is still shea...” “Get the [explicit] out, Kelly! I knew I should never have slept in the same bed as my worst nightmare!” “Do you think you have the worst of it? I have to live the rest of my miserable life, looking like this freak show, you jerk!” Kelly tossed the bed sheets aside and marched out of the room, slamming the door as she left. And when she bagged the door close, the door was even pulled past where it normally would close. ---- When Zac woke up the next morning, he felt as if someone had smashed his head into a wall. When he tried to rise to his feet, it felt as if the whole world was spinning around him. As he tried to regain his senses, he saw where he had crashed on the floor the previous night, marked by the dried-up puddle of blood that had dripped from his leg wound. Once he cleared his head, Zac finally tried to get out of his bed. While he was successful this time, everything around him was still wobbling a tiny bit. “DING DONG!” sounded the doorbell. Unsure who would be visiting their residence at this hour, Zac slowly approached the front door, first struggling to get out of his own room because the door had been pushed through its frame and its knob has been crushed on both sides. And before Zac reached the door, he noticed a small note sitting on the counter. [center][i]Zac and Kelly, going to emergency room to see your father. He’s in critical condition. Please call when you get this message. Extremely urgent. –Mom[/i][/center] Zac wondered whether he should call his mother at the moment. Could she handle the truth that her son and her son’s girlfriend had been transformed into freaks? Better save that talk for later. The doorbell rang again. Zac rushed toward the door and opened it. As soon as he did this, a small, smoke grenade fell at his feet, spouting out a noxious gas that swiftly knocked Zac unconscious. But before his vision went black, Zac saw several figures dressed in full camouflage rush through the door, grabbing him as he fell.