[color=f26522][h2]"I am not starting from scratch, I am continuing. Their dreams shall not go to waste."[/h2][/color] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/179/6/d/Nowhere_man_by_nipuni.jpg[/img] [i]Hair color is a dark brown, eye color is green, skin is pale. The bandanna on his head bares resemblance to a focus sash.[/i] (ignore the necklace) Name: Elvenheisen (usually just called Elf) Wren ([i]side note: Alfheimr is such a wondrous place.[/i]) Age [b]16[/b] Personality: [hider=Personality] Elf is by no means a loud kid, but he isn't one to stay silent either, he just doesn't interject others opinions until after their spoken, only then would he precede to acknowledge if it was a good opinion, or proceed to rip the ever living hell out of their opinion for being wrong, this only became more polarized after recent events. He used to be trusting of people to the point he would put his life in the hands of a random stranger, not anymore. Now he is untrusting of stranger's and always expects the worst of them and yet, he has a few redeeming quality's. Firstly if you manage to earn his hard earned trust, then he will lighten up around you, secondly he is not afraid to wager his life for a good cause, if it effects a group of people. Plus he would rather give his Life then have something close to him die. (some say this is a flaw...) [/hider] History: Twelve, that was the age that Elf began his journey, with his murkrow much to the annoyance of his parents, he was innocent then, 4 whole years of adventure, he enjoyed every moment of it, his team grew, he entered tournaments, he couldn't be asked to challenge gyms, not until he believed he was ready to fight the champion and the elite trainers of the region, he matured into a nice young man, strong willed and ready to fight with his Pokemon by his side. His Honchkrow even became a father with his Talonflame, nothing could ever bring him down, both he and his Pokemon was on top of the world. On a fateful day, Roc, the Fletchling hatched much to the joy of Elf and his entire entourage of Pokemon, and yet it was the same day the accident happened, The entire decimation of his team. It was after a particularly difficult battle that it happened, he was jumped by Team Nexus and one of their god forsaken admin's. The battle wasn't a tournament one, it wasn't one where the Pokemon fainted and that was it, no. Pokemon actually died that day, his entire team fell, Roc managed to survive by hiding in his backpack but they both saw the death before them. It was a hellish experience and both of them came out of it changed, Elf then ran, he ran for his life as fast as he could away from Team Nexus, the only thought on his mind was keeping Roc safe at all cost's, he managed to escape from Team Nexus, perhaps they didn't see any use pursuing a boy with no Pokemon. These events transpired a month ago... but now he has new goal, he will not let the memories of his team go to waste, he will continue fighting, for their sake if not his own, And he will not lose, not again. Preferred Starter: Fletchling [hider=Team] [hider=Fletchling][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/1c6d/f/2015/013/5/1/pokemon_art_academy_apprentice_course_2_fletchling_by_pkgam-d8drxkc.jpg[/img] Name Roc Level 9 Gender Male Ability: Gale Wings: +1 priority to all flying type moves (gotta go fast) Moveset, Snatch, Tackle, Quick attack, Growl [/hider] [hider=Member 2] [/hider] [hider=Member 3] [/hider] [hider=Member 4] [/hider] [hider=Member 5] [/hider] [hider=Member 6] [/hider] [hider=Member 7] [/hider] [hider=Member 8] [/hider] [/hider] Bag items [hider=Items] Repel x2 Tiny Mushroom x3 Pokeballs x12 Greatballs x 1 Human rations x 2 Pokemon rations x 3 [/hider] [hider=Medicine] Lemonade x 6 Freshwater x4 [/hider] [hider=Berries] Pecha berry x2 [/hider] [hider=TMs] TM-27 - Return (a Prize for winning a Tournament a while ago) [/hider] [hider=Key Items] Town map Poke-Dex PokeNav [/hider]