Taking cover behind the table with Donny may not have been the best idea, but it was better than standing out in the middle of the hallway giving the hostiles a clear shot at him. His Piranha Shotgun was aimed at the door, incendiary rounds loaded and ready to be fired at a moment’s notice. Only a short while passed before the main door was opened, followed by a frag grenade being tossed down the hall at them. [color=00aeef]“They should have cooked the grenade before throwing it in here, pathetic and poorly trained.”[/color] thought Solares as he watched Donny use his Biotics to toss the grenade back at them. Taking cover quickly, he waited for the grenade to explode before putting rounds down the hallway and into the Cabal. Once the grenade finely did go off with a satisfying bang, pieces of debris from the door and its frame flew down the hall, more smoke taking its place. Bringing his Shotgun into play, he took a combat stance behind the table before emptying a large number of rounds through the smoke. Red tracers flew down the hallway and illuminated the smoke whenever it passed through it, creating a soft red glow. After a large number of rounds had been fire, he removed his thermal clip from the shotgun and replaced it with a fresh one before observing the scene and all of its chaos once more. He could hear the sound of footsteps running away from both of the doors, there was a small chance they were retreating but the odds of that happening were almost nonexistent. [color=00aeef]“Most likely regrouping or calling in heavier troops.”[/color] He said into his helmets com so the rest of the squad could hear him. As if on que, the sound of someone running back to them could be heard, and Solares raised his shotgun to take aim once more. His breath slowed down and returned to a calm state, letting the sway of the scope stop for the time being. [color=ed1c24]“A deep breathe in and hold, then let it out, repeat to help reduce sway.”[/color] Is what Aviza would tell him when lining up a shot for whatever weapon he was using during training. It had helped him a lot, and was still helping him to that day. [color=00aeef]“Hey RK, how is Raa doing with the lockdown?”[/color] he asked quietly into his helmets com just seconds before a streak of blue flashed across the room from the right doorway, impacting Voira. [color=00aeef]"Damn Biotics.”[/color] Thought Solares to himself while taking very quick aim and adjusting his shotguns muzzle before firing at the new hostiles that were trying to flood the room. One of them caught on fire from the incendiary rounds, going up in a brilliant bright red flame before collapsing on the ground and disintegrating into smoldering ash.