[center][b][@helltank] (Alison); [@akje] (Libé); [@Eklispe] (Rina); [@Grimoire] (Emeka)[/b][/center] Despite its magical nature, the white spider is still a delicate creature. It is quickly frozen solid, then shattered to hundreds of pieces by shards of solid darkness. The spider's innards are similar shades of white and pale blue, and there is still some energy left even as the body splits apart. But the energy is weak. Too weak. Now that the creature is dead, the power of its remains feel barely there at all, compared to the powers of those who have slain it with ease. As Libé raises a large earthen pillar from the ground, carrying the other humans with it, he begins to get a much better look at his surroundings. The forest that they've just left is surprisingly small, less than a hundred square kilometers in size. It appears as a bluish smudge in the green grass, and its canopy ripples gently in sync with the wind, forming some intriguing patterns. The whole forest is roughly an ellipse in shape, and near one of its foci, the trees are inexplicably covered in snow; one can be reasonably certain that a faint cold draft originates from that spot. Aside from that, there are no other notable features in the forest, at least none that can be easily seen from above. Further out into the grasslands, however, are clearly collections of houses, farms, and other signs of civilization. A small river runs through the village, turning parts of the area into a water-meadow. At some distances beyond the village, the grass starts becoming sparser, and fade to a dull frosty white, while partially giving way to shrubbery and mosses. Snow can be clearly seen by that point, and that seems to be where most of the cool wind is coming from. Curiously, there's no visible connection between the snow-covered tundra and the more localized snowy patch inside the small forest nearby. Past a section of the tundra are the peaks of several glaciers, apparently where the aforementioned river originates; beyond that things become increasingly difficult to make out. At a direction opposite to the village, more grass-covered expanses can be seen, though they too slowly become sparser, this time giving way to sand. Not much can be seen beyond that. There is even a place where the desert and the tundra meet, resulting in some kind of gray slush. Lastly, looking around from the raised pillar, there's even a part of the land that appears to be covered in metal, as well as hints of swamps, volcanoes, and more forests. But these places are all a bit too far away for now, unless faster means of transportation are obtained. If the humans squint, when looking at the village somewhat close to them, they may be able to see the glimmer of webs just like the ones the white spider had lain earlier. Large patches of them can be found next to the village, and some of them even encroach into the village itself. But before the humans can see anything else, the tall earthen pillar begins to shake. It seems that Libé's power, stretched so thin, may not be able to withstand the wind that constantly blows through the area after all. [I'm not too good at geography, especially when elements of speculative fiction are involved, so I apologize in advance if there are any glaring errors. If you see any, and know of ways to fix them, please tell me by PM or in the OOC thread.]