[b]"That should slow them down! But the rest will soon be upon us!"[/b] Adrianne yelled to Zhevon, but he had already dived into the dust cloud, bits of tile and glass peppering his coat. He kept his eyes peeled for the signature glowing pink eyes of the statues and attacked where he saw them as he sprinted towards the other end. He heard Adrianne's voice through the vox. [b]"...The madwoman with the bolter at the other end, what should we do about her?"[/b] [b]"They can't see past their nest, I'll get her out of the hallway! Everyone else should get out as well!"[/b] He replied, ducking under a stone fist. As the dust settled, the statues began to speed up again. Another voice crackled through the vox, it was James, his Vindicare. [b]"Psyker how stupid are you? You no doubt just pissed off every tainted thing within the area. I do not have the ammo for this kind of prolonged combat."[/b] [b]"Then save them. I have my own ammo, and it's INFINITE!"[/b] Adrianne yelled back. [b]"Pick your shots carefully James, only fire if needed!"[/b] He replied to the assassin, [b]"And don't insult the Psyker."[/b] He added, glancing back at his team. They had come after, which he half expected. With the rug now in shambles, he twisted and slid on the dusty floor for about a meter, ducking under a swipe, he brought his inferno pistol up and blasted a Statue in the chest, throwing it back several feet. That's when he noticed the small whirlwind of dust. It quickly gained traction, as rocks and pebbles was brought into the whirlwind. He narrowed his eyes. The whirlwind was vaguely familiar, he had seen many psyker abilities over the years, and he had seen this particular one a few times before. Then he recalled that Adrianne said something about a vortex. That jotted his memory. [b]"No vortexes!"[/b] He said over the vox, fearing that it would tear the walls right out and reveal a new foe. He glanced behind him to check on their new guest, he was close enough to yell at her, but the problem was the twelve or so Statues between him and her. [b]"Nevermind! A small one, tiny vortex!"[/b] He said to Adrianne. Several of the Statues noticed the Inquisitor and turned their attention to him. He turned to face his new aggressors, the first lunged right at him. Zhevon expertly dodged the attack by ducking under the statue, it's momentum sending it right into the growing vortex in the middle of the room. Zhevon looked at the Sister and yelled at her, [b]"Get out of the hallway! They won't chase you there!"[/b] He turned off the power field on his sword and stabbed it into the ground, the blade cutting into the floor fairly well, giving him an anchor.