"Nevermind! A small one, tiny vortex!" There was no reply from Adrianne, as the had all her focus on the summoning of the destructive Vortex of Doom, to the point she didn't even register one of the statues that charged her during the channeling, only to be blasted away by a shotgun blast. The usually dark eye sockets of the skull adorning her helmet were now burning with a ferocious, unholy light! A strong wind was now blowing through the room as purple tendrils of pure warp energies lashed out from the center of the growing vortex! The walls of the hallway began to murmur, creaking, as a deep groan, almost roar emanated from the structure around them! The vortex gained momentum at a steady pace, but the slow buildup would soon be interrupted by a terrible, metallic daemonic roar from the center of the vortex! A thousand screaming voices soon filled the entire corridor as the vortex just quadrupled in size. Lights flashed as the haunting voices echoed through the hallway, and the speed at which the the vortex rotated had now become blindingly fast! Nearby statues were picked up from the floor without a warning, alongside whatever pieces of glass; tiles and everything else that was unable to resist the pull of the vortex; to be sucked up into the center of the destructive vortex where they were obliterated into nothingness! But the vortex would not stop at the statues. On the outside, James got quite a view as the very walls of the hallway began to move, before suddenly caving in! Large stone pillars, stones and bricks, not to mention tonnes of dust soon fell inwards into the hallway, threatening to crush anyone or anything in its path before the walls were sucked into the annihilating center of the vortex! Where there once had been a wall with a series of ornate windows, there was now a clear view straight up into the sky for anyone standing in the hallway! Any statue located near the center of the hallway would be sucked in and annihilated in the vortex. Zhevon, who had been anchoring himself to the ground with his sword could feel the vortex's grip on him increasing, threatening to pull him alongside the very floor beneath him straight up into the vortex as it grew constantly in strength! Adrianne had stopped channeling the vortex, her eyes returning to normal as she stepped back. The vortex had now become a phenomenon of its own will and action, and continued to grind the hallway, tearing anything it could pull into it apart at a sub atomic level! Utter chaos now ruled in the hallway, between the screaming voices and the destructive & constantly expanding vortex in the middle of it! [i]"This is why I love my job!"[/i] Adrianne thought to herself, studying the destruction taking place before her almost awe behind her mask. But before the psyker could really sit back and enjoy the show, she soon found herself gripped by the vortex's expanding reach! The vortex had expanded to begin pulling to every end of the hallway, and anyone in it would find themselves lifted up into the ground, and pulled straight towards the core of the vortex! "Oh-no, crap-crap-crap-crap!" Were the only words Adrianne could fathom to say as she found herself being pulled towards the center of the vortex like a ragdoll; alongside anyone else in the hallway who wasn't literally anchored to the ground; straight at her own vortex! But further away, another one of the miscellaneous objects nabbed by the vortex's pull was the null-rod lying on the floor. It began to slide across the floor, before it too was pulled up into the air and brought towards the center of the vortex. As the null-rod reached the center of the vortex, its effects would be immediate! With no warning, the vortex would immediately disappear in the blink of an eye, alongside any screaming and lights that had haunted the room! Neutralized by the aura of the null rod! But even though she had been saved from assured annihilation by her own creation, Adrianne realized that - she was still flying through the air at an alarming speed, and heading on a collision course with everyone else(including debris) in the room who might have been picked up by the vortex's pull before it had been dissipated!