[img]http://i.imgur.com/3VLa52M.png?1[/img] Rouen took a sip of the soothing agent out of his flask. "Probably not the best impression to make on the prince," he thought but did so anyway. Then he at Quay. [color=0072bc]"You must be quite dedicated your grace. To be up and about practicing your swordplay at such a late time at night,"[/color] he said. He shifted his gaze to the prince's weapon. [color=0072bc]"Ah the rapier. A middle-class weapon, one used by those not quite wealthy enough to pay another for protection but cultured enough to find value in the beauty of intricacy and simplicity. You wouldn't be intending to introduce a new fashion to court are you your grace?"[/color] he smirked then lightly grasped one hanging against the wall. [color=0072bc]"Truly remarkable. Like a dagger but with style. Precise, used to direct force upon a single point to force an opening and let your foe's vital essence flow out,"[/color] he said sliding a finger down the edge. [color=0072bc]"There is a saying in the parables, "Man is a vessel of water". Whoever said it forgot to include that we are rather fragile vessels. All it takes is a single prick,"[/color] he said whipping the rapier forward, the whiplash echoing through the room. [color=0072bc]"For the water to flow out and the man to die,"[/color] he said and put the rapier back on its hangar. Rouen turned his attention to Quay with a questioning gaze. [color=0072bc]"A truth all too forgotten by the powerful, especially those who are young. And that is why in this Kingdom, we exist. Seven knights, paragons of humanity. We guide, protect, and most importantly provide good counsel to those who would one day rule over the realm,"[/color] he said. The small clacks of rain against the walls, was all that could be heard in the room. Rouen bowed lightly. [color=0054a6]"Forgive the speech. The senility that comes with age has appeared to finally catch up to me,"[/color] he chuckled. [color=0054a6]"But I wonder, for both your safety and by extension the welfare of the kingdom, if you require my counsel. I do not intend to impede in your plans, that is not my decision to make. But you look troubled and I have dealt with trouble for the entirety of my long life. What is that causes you to steal away into the night your grace?"[/color] he asked.