[center][img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d4/9e/cd/d49ecdd84086be4f3e4568e7b8088bf2.jpg[/img][/center] [center] "The One Piece does exist". ~[indent]Edward "Shirohige" Newgate.[/indent][/center] Across the four blues, stretching over the Red Line, through Paradise and Hell of the Grand Line lies a legendary treasure. Unmeasured fame. Unmatchable power. Ever lasting wealth. Just when The World Government thought they were ending a war, in actuality their causality was much bigger. They allowed for Whitebeard to inspire a generation more threatening than the Saiaku no Sedai (Supernovas). With the start of the New Age, a new wave of pirates went to sea looking for One Piece, having heard Whitebeard confirm its existence. A number of pirates from the previous era escaped Level 6, and it was noted by X Drake that a new age also means that the Marines themselves now must change with this. However the exact direction this new era will take is still as of yet unknown. Now a short 3 days after the death of Shirohige and his 2nd Division commander Fire Fist Ace a noticeable increase in pirate activities has surfaced. Too much for Justice to stand idle. Thanks to the death of Whitebeard, a new age has begun upon the world and the "Age of Pirates" that Roger established has ended. Thus, begins a new time for Marines as well. With the greatest Marines, Sengoku and Garp resigning, a power vacuum for the position of fleet admiral has occurred. Despite Sengoku's recommendation for Aokiji to take his position, the other higher echelons and new faces felt more worthy. The decision was decided over a 10-day battle between Aokiji and Sakazuki. To compensate the loss of much military powers, the World Government granted the Marines unprecedented power, and with Sakazuki, as the new fleet admiral, the organization has become an overall much more powerful organization of justice ever since. At the start of the storyline, the New Age has arrived. This New Age of Piracy was brought upon by changes in the world. Various characters who have mentioned it either spoke of a world on the verge of chaos, or a great age where pirates no longer chase their dreams. Welcome all to the epicness of "3D2Y". For those of you who were not active in the in the interest check this is an RP based off the world of One Piece. Long has the days of Gol D. Roger passed and what is known as the New Age has begun. With the usual protagonists' laying low and training, the seas have opened new doors and opportunities have presented themselves for both justice and piracy. You are in control of the world's fate. What lies ahead can only be foretold by yourself. Decide the next step in The World Governments fight against the tyranny caused by those labeling themselves as pirates. Be the reason the World Government topples and drowns. Our future as role players holds countless of possibilities. Hey guys, the almighty Brxvo here to oversee that things go smoothly. Rules should not have to be explained to experienced RPers like yourselves. Though I will go over a few things. So without further ado... [h3] Rules &Tips [/h3] [list] [*] The common guild rules apply to this RP as any other. [*] Please if you are to be absent from the RP make a plausible reason for your characters absence also. This will prevent you trapping another player's character in an escapable scenario. [*] Do not be afraid to question my judgement. You have the right to your own opinion that I must respect. [*]Enjoy yourselves people. If you aren't satisfied please let it be known I'll try to make the most rational decisions. [/list] [h3]Your Character[/h3] [hider=Character Sheet] (If choosing to use a photo, please place here) [b]Name:[/b] [b]Epithet:[/b] [b]Blue/Sea:[/b] (Where were you born? The East, The Grand Line possibly though abandoned to a family in the Blues) [b]Crew/Base:[/b] (Small description) [b]Bounty/Rank:[/b] (Must keep updated) [b]Age:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Detailed description if not using a picture) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Devil Fruit (if any):[/b] (The Mera Mera is unavailable. Besides that any fruit your mind can craft that's not already taken is possible) [b]Skills & Talent:[/b] [b]Weapons (if any):[/b] [b]Transportation:[/b] (How do you transverse these seas, simply). [b]Dream/Goal:[/b] [b]Origins:[/b] (An in depth minimum of 2 paragraphs) [/hider] [list] [*] Progression- Fight!! Go exploring the island. Create your own Easter eggs and throwaway crazy bartender NPCs. [*]Death- You cant die as long as you can continue to type. But for realism sake, and a reason to think before you act it will be possible for your character to be unable to fight for the remainder of an arc due to battle injuries. Weakness could bring alot of unwanted attention to your character. [*] Character Sheets go here first before moved to the character tab. [*] Please remember to keep canon interactions to a minimum. [*] If it's lore it goes. If passable within the One Piece universe then I'd say I'm left with no choice but to accept it. [/list] [h2]The Roster[/h2] [h3]Pirates[/h3] [h3]Marines[/h3] [h3]The Graveyard[/h3] [h2]The World Powers[/h2] [list] [*][i][b]Fleet Admiral[/b][/i] [list] [*]Sakazuki Akainu [/list] [*][i][b]The Admirals[/b][/i] [list] [*]Kizaru Barsolino [*]Fugitoro [*] N/A [/list] [*][i][b]Worlds Strongest Man[/b][/i]- Vacant due to recent death of Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate. [*][i][b]Worlds Strongest Swordsman[/b][/i]- Hawkeyes Mihawk [*][i][b]Pirate King[/b][/i] [/list] [h2][center]News Coo.[/center][/h2] [list] [*] Here you will be able to follow the events within IC. After anything major or significant happens it will be posted here. Large changes in bounty and rank. This will also tell of events happening across the world unrelated to yourselves. Giving you chances to take part in everything. [/list]