[@JohnSolaris] Great description. Don't know if there are any geographical inaccuracies. I wouldn't even know if there are supposed to be errors anyway. Is there any one of us up there who would be able to recognise those? Interesting! I was worried I was asking a lot so soon. Like your DMing so far. Love the setting. [@helltank] Yo, I didn't include Allison in the list of people Libé took up because her character was not standing directly next to him. If you want her up there with the others you can have her grapple hook to the top as it's going up or something. Or she can just stand there and watch. Either way, everyone at the top is in a serious predicament now. So I guess you alone have a choice to subjugate your character to that hehe. As to the others. [@Eklispe] and [@Grimoire]. I [b]do[/b] have a way down. But it's utterly insane, so I'm gonna give you guys a shot at reacting to all this first.