[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-zWtlRx-HWqA/UT0AeJBn6WI/AAAAAAAAAIU/7HmFXIS4hPs/s0-d/01324_newyorkcitybypaulobarcellosjr.jpg[/img][/center] [h2]Plot Summary[/h2] In a world lorded over by a corrupted and shoddy government, and within the graffiti'd walls of Darlow, life seems figuratively miserable. Orphans and hobos walk the street, it's not rare to see a gang beating up innocent men and women, or boys and girls, and bank robberies happen, at the most, every other day. Over-all, living conditions are very poor, and most people aren't overly happy with their lives. Clubs bump mainstream beats, strippers work the poles, and men snort cocaine in their dark little rooms. What many do not know, however, is that, in this rat-infested city, where buying a bit of crack is cheaper than paying your light bill, there are certain types of humans. The government has named them 'Metahumans', and there's not much you can tell about them just from seeing them. They look like humans, generally act like humans, and unless they wanna be even more discriminated against, and probably even killed by the more religious of the people, they keep their powers on the down-low. Yeah, in this city of eat or be eaten, you have to keep your eyes open. Try not to walk on a gang's turf without packing heat, or without keeping the toll in your wallet. Try to make an honest living, y'know? The economy's pretty shit, but you can probably get a job working a register at Wal-Mart. Just keep smart, which is hard in these times, and you'll live longer. Oh, and if you have powers and decide to play hero? I heard that the big ole' Superman in those comics got hurt from little green rocks. But for you people? Bullets are much easier to come by. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h2]Important Stuff[/h2] [hider=Rules] 1. Stay cool;; Fonz cool, as Mahz says. Feel free to banter and such, but no salty arguing. 2. No OPness;; I cannot stress this enough. I don't want to see any Supermans, please. 3. I'm not a stickler or anything, but please try to write more than one poopy paragraph. This is casual for a reason, guys. 4. Read these rules. I'm watching you. 5. Listen to both me and Mr_pink if we ask for something, please. We're the GMs, and we try to keep everything stable.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet (Delete things in parenthesis)] [i]Please put an image here in replacement of these words.[/i] Name: Age: (Above the age of 15, and below the age of 70.) Powers: (Keep it to a theme that goes with the role-play, please. Use common sense, and try not to take anything someone else has already joined with.) Weaknesses: (Please no kryptonite mineral that no one can get.) Skills: (Let's not go crazy with Batman-level stuff, 'kay? We're all pretty normal people in a dark city.) Personality: History: Relationships: (Feel free to come up with relationships in the OOC.) Other: [/hider]