[quote=@Mahz] [b]Saving drafts of posts[/b] This is a feature I got to 90% completion *last* weekend but totally forgot about until last night. Along with subscription notifications, finishing this feature is my goal for this coming weekend. Once finished, I think it will be an amazing experience for people to submit a post, encounter an error (internet dead, server rebooting, etc), visit the thread a few hours later, and find that their post is 100% intact ready to be resubmitted. So those are my plans for next weekend. I'm looking forward to these upcoming features! [/quote] Speaking of drafts, it just so happens that last night I had a dream about making a RP post on here. The server disconnected, but I was relieved to find it was still there when the page reloaded. I saw this grey message box with black text and border saying something like "Reloading your post...". Coincidence? Is the intention to have a floating grey message box? Because if so... like wow.