Donny took a second out of the battle to congratulate himself. He had to admit, as humble and unassuming as he tries to be, that was a pretty sweet move on his part. He doesn't know if that grenade actually helped curb the hostiles, but he felt like a total badass considering that he did it so easily. Maybe he should keep an eye out for more grenades. [b][i]"Note to self: Become designated grenade spotter."[/i][/b] The explosion gave Donny and his group a precious few seconds of reprieve. He fired off a few shots from his heat sink, adding onto the veritable wall of bullets already flying in the direction of the enemy. He had to let his shotgun cool down however, so he switched over to his pistol so he could get a few more shot off. Not that he really needed to; he had to remember that despite being the only [i]human[/i] here, he was being backed up by a whole squad of elite turian operatives. Or something. He doesn't actually know much about turian military, but figured that these guys are likely better trained and much more cohesive as a group then Donny's. Sure he has felt a great sense of camaraderie and support from his group, but they've also known each other for like, three days at most. It was fortunate that they all had standardized training. Shaking these thoughts off Donny readied himself for the next wave. They didn't need to kill everyone, just hold them at bay long enough for Raa- And that's when a blue bolt charged through the room. Donny ducked his head instinctively, figuring it to be some sort of high-tech laser lightning bolt or some such. Turns out she was a vanguard who was tussling with Voria. Which is not better. She was definitely a threat considering that Raa was a civvie and about five feet or so away from the hostile vanguard. But Donny didn't miss the other soldiers filing in, including the black armored turian and vorcha, and their mook support. Donny took a deep breath and forced himself to think. [b][i]"You have six seconds. INNATE TIME CONTROL! No you can't really do that, but you can think fast. Alright, head count. Like, 8 spec op turians? Maybe six? I don't remember right now. The geth, who's a pretty good shot. Voria, while kinda bitchy, also a very powerful biotic with a machinegun. Solare's a dick but he seems to be able to handle himself at least, so there's that. And me. Alright. So about ten or maybe thirteen. Oh, and civvies. Got to keep them safe. Alright Donny, think: Those turians you're with likely got more experience and skills then you do. They likely have the skills and means to deal with the fancy black armored enemies. If need be I could take a shot but... That vanguard is going to bother me, cause she's right behind our line and very close to Raa. Those other three Black Suits also scare me, cause who knows? Maybe they're vanguards too? Why else would they lead a charge straight into a room full of gunfire? They got to be tanky. At least they aren't krogan.... And then the small potatoes. Alright Donny. You're a fish. You're a fish with teeth (guns). You aren't the biggest fish and you don't really have big teeth. But you're not alone. You have allies watching your back, very reliable people. But they aren't perfect. They could get shot and die like your enemies can. But they're bigger fish then you are. And right in front of you are really big fish, and smaller fishes. Maybe... Maybe I can't really do much against the big fish. But I can deal with the small fries!"[/i][/b] Donny got out of his introspective moment to look at the four turians who rushed in. They didn't seem too disciplined, but they still had guns and thus were a bit of a threat. And Donny still had some explosives with him. Granted they were Cain Trip mines but... As much as it wasn't standard protocol, he knows he could throw them. Not at the turians mind; he could arm it and lob it in their path. It takes about 1.5 second for it to arm. And he could link it's blast trigger with the radio signal of his team. So on the off chance that someone goes over there, at least they wouldn't trip off the mine. With any luck Donny's mine could also catch those black suits off guard and- But wait. What if these guys see Donny? When if they throw his mine back at him? Granted it wouldn't explode, but that doesn't mean it still wasn't dangerous. [b][i]"No!"[/i][/b] This was no time for doubts. no time for second questioning. Are there better ways? Yes. Could Donny do something smarter? Yes. But this isn't a turn-by-turn strategy game where he could analyze each action, use a wide array of awesome skills, and finish without anyone dying. As much as he hate to admit it, he wasn't perfect. Like Solare's said, there are way better ways for him to handle things without doing so much damage. But sometimes... Sometimes... Sometimes Donny just needs to do tons of damage. Donny took out his Cain Mine while covered behind the table. The four turians haven't quite gotten to cover yet, but they were the furthest away. No problem, this was an explosive, not a bullet. He didn't need to hit them, just get it close. For maximum damage he'd have to plant it at the front of the group. They were moving forward after all; even he knew how to lead a target. It was a bit hard to get a clear shot because of all the bullets flying in his direction (It was a good thing no one thought to shoot the table cause he's only got shields to protect him) but he only needed a second. Activating shields and looking around the cover of the table, aiming for the spot just one yard away from the first turian leading the other four. [b]"Aim.... Go!"[/b] Donny threw the mine. Arming in the air, it was lobbed over the black suits. Donny would have used his pistol for covering fire, but he didn't want to waste bullets and split his concentration as he was actually watching for things like more grenades and his trip mine. He [i]is[/i] the designated grenade spotter after all. And [b]Donny[/b] will decide where the explosions happened.