[color=f7941d]"You're welcome!"[/color] Eustace said, chuckling to himself as he noticed the look of content on her face. He was happy to have cheered his friend up, the last thing he wanted was for her to be unhappy during the ride. By the looks of things, she also seemed to enjoy the book he had given her. Good thing he had enough books to last him until they reached their destination. History books always seemed to make time go at least twice as fast, they just had so much interesting information for him to enjoy. Not only that, but it'd definitely help him when he finally achieved his goal. Eustace reached into his bag and pulled out a random book. [i]Great Archaeological Discoveries of the Ages[/i], one of his personal favorites. Before he could delve into it, Kyō seemed to want his attention. Her voice gave away that she was REALLY excited about something. Though, it took him a bit to decipher her words as she pointed towards a woman in the book who seemed a bit out-of-place in it. Upon further inspection, it seemed like the woman's picture was actually part of a magazine that was hidden in the book. His grandpa liked reading this kinda stuff? Fortunately, Eustace happened to be fluent in Kyōnese because of all the time they've spent together. [color=f7941d]"[color=ed1c24]'I've seen her before, she's awesome'[/color], is that it?"[/color]Eustace asked, craning his neck slightly. Who could that woman be? After finishing the food he had given her, Kyō seemed curious as to where they were heading. Eustace was a bit surprised that she didn't remember, maybe she had gotten too excited when he initially asked her to come with him? [color=f7941d]"We're going to Glu City, remember? I'm looking for an agency there that gives missions to archaeological hunters. So there has to be stuff for rookies, right?"[/color] He was awfully optimistic about it, but he would likely be greatly let down once he actually found the place. Which isn't to say that visiting the city is his only reason for leaving his home, just the main one. Suddenly, a stranger approached them. Most people would be distrusting of the man due to his odd appearance, but Eustace was more curious to learn about him than he was suspicious. [color=f7941d]"Aurora Sonata?"[/color] Eustace cupped his chin with has hand as if thinking about something. [color=f7941d]"Sounds kinda familiar..." [/color] He could've sworn that he had heard her name before, but when? The thing that interested him the most about her was the fact that she was a hunter. Besides his grandfather, he hadn't actually met a hunter before? Following Kyō's lead, he too asked to met her. [color=f7941d]"Yeah, lead the way, Mr.Handsome!" [/color] He said, basing the nickname off of Kyō's name for him.