[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4c/fd/04/4cfd04a6f774c10be5cfa79bcbb83a34.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alexander Storm, Dr. Storm [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Crew Position:[/b] Doctor [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] A young man with jet black hair and equally black eyes. Alex usually wears a black suit with the collar popped up along with a white dress shirt with black gloves when not fighting and taking off the jacket and gloves while rolling up his sleeves when fighting. He exchanges the suit for a white doctor's coat when he gives people checkups. [b]Personality:[/b] He is socially awkward in a way, not knowing how to interact with people he just met in normal conversation which usually leads to him just staying silent. His quietness sometimes gives off an impression of arrogance and superiority, which gets him into trouble and often fights. He finds this trait of himself troublesome and is trying to fix it the best he can. Alexander is a caring person who is always silently looking after others, helping anyone from complete strangers he sees on the streets to sometimes the enemy. He's very passionate about being a doctor, going so far as to travel the pirate infested seas in order to learn more and more about new medicines and healing techniques, and takes great pride in his work. He sees being a doctor as more of an honor then a profession, saying that the art of curing and healing other people is very righteous. Because of this mentality, he thinks very highly of other doctors. [b]Backstory: [/b]Alexander was born in Coastellia, a port town on the red line. He lived with his mother, Martha Storm who was a merchant and his father, Benjamin Storm, who was a pirate that went by the name of 'Boomerang Ben'. He began teaching Alex the basics to using a boomerang since Alex could walk and Alex quickly grew a liking to it. His father however left Alex and his mother abruptly when Alex was 5, heading towards the Grand Line with his crew in hopes of finding Gol D. Rogers rumored treasure. Alex was devastated by this, and decided to become stronger in the art of boomerang combat in hopes that he can one day leave home to find his father. When he was only 7 years old, his mother died from a rare disease called Psychosairosis where the victim will first go insane before losing all sense of reality, the person's limbs slowly shut off one after another before the person’s heart stops abruptly. The sight of his mother's suffering to this ailment inspired Alex to become a doctor, hoping to find a cure to the horribly merciless disease and giving him a second reason to leave home. After his mothers death he lived with his uncle, a fisherman who cared for Alex as if he were his own son. Alex spent his days training with his boomerang, or studying intensely since the passing of his mother. He would read any and all books about medicine he could get his hands on and skipped many grades, officially became a doctor at the young age of 14. The day after he graduated he immediately left his home, saying good bye to his uncle to travel the world in hopes of expanding his knowledge in medicine and one day find his father. During his travels, Alex had realized that the sea was not kind to those who couldn't defend themselves. Alex's talent in using a boomerang as well as a multitude of gadgets and tools he created on his journey helped him survive on the open sea's. Early on, Alex noticed that he was somewhat defenseless in close quarters combat, and in response created his primary weapon being his trust Kukri/Boomerang hybrid, Scalpel. He got by by working as a travelling doctor, going from port town to port town helping the sick. He stayed at each town for around a week before getting enough money to leave for the next town, gathering information about rumors rare medicines or anything about his father. After 6 years all that he's learned about his father is that he was part pirate crew that left for the grand line a year after leaving his mother but never returned. [b]Long Term Ambition:[/b] Alexander's reason for leaving home is tied to both of his parents. The first reason is to become one of the worlds greatest doctors, inspired from his mothers death, and the second is to find his father in order to ask him why he abandoned Alex's mother. [b]Medium Term Ambition:[/b] Alexander came to Pol Topelia because he had heard a rumor of a doctor that had found a cure for the illness his mother suffered from. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Alex fights using many different long range weapons, from grenades to boomerangs. In close combat, he uses Scalpel as a dagger to defend himself before using one of his bombs to increase the distance between himself and his target. [b]Notable Equipment:[/b] Under his jacket, he wears a vest with pouches that are all filled with medical supplies as well as a multitude of tools and gadgets which currently include multiple collapsible boomerangs, grenades, smoke bombs, flash bombs, high frequency grenades and a knife. On his back he carries his first and favorite weapon Scalpel, a boomerang shaped kukri made of a carbon alloy metal, making it light yet still somewhat sturdy. The blade part of the weapon is on the inside of the V shape and the center is empty, making a sort of handle on the weapon. Because of its shape, it works the same as any other boomerang except that that the blades as sharp as surgical tools, hence the name. [b]Skills:[/b] He is a prodigy doctor, knowing every bone and muscle in both the human and merman body and having the knowledge to treat almost any wound. Because he reads all the time, Alex has a random amount of knowledge on various thing ranging anything between the history of Gol D. Roger to the different types of birds.