Here's mine. Edit: I made some small changes. Not much though. [hider=Haydrex] Haydrex Ashur Joshin Hay "Cunning" Male 23 Mercenary, "Night lurker" (I'll explain in the Bio) 15 5'10" 160lbs Asher is a handsome young man with sharp facial features, he appears as if he can become lethally aggressive if you wrong him. The lethal mercenary typically wears casually clothing which is mainly colored black and covered with light silk sheets which decorate the top of his clothing which he uses to cover his face during his night runs across the city - he also wears a protective vest of bulletproof armor under his clothing able to stop up to .32 bullet. Underneath, Haydrex is a very lean and muscular man mainly from the genetic augmentations he received during the process of becoming a Night Lurker but he is also riddled with scars across his body from his experiences. On his back, a sword conspicuously stands out and his strapped tightly around his body which he uses efficiently. [hider=A picture] [img][/img] [/hider] Haydrex once considered himself a quiet, reserved character that only speaks when spoken to and this self-description is precisely the same way others describe him too. Well-tempered and as quick as a lynx, he was a very disciplined person from his rigorous training as a Night Lurker and would not hesitate to kill anyone. Apart from being sharp tongued at times in order to protect himself verbally, Haydrex is not afraid to speak his mind although never to intentionally challenge the person he speaks to when doing so. Quiet, cunning, and discipline are all terms that used to circle around the heads of most of former, colleagues, and clients until government soldiers destroyed the warm place he once called home. Now, the shadows of the past have crept back unto him as now he suffers from paranoid delusions from the augmentations and does little to meditate in order find himself at ease in his distressed mind as Haydrex once did in his time with his fellow Night Lurkers before they were killed off almost entirely. Haydrex now has trouble thinking properly as he sometimes has trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. Every now and again, he would have thoughts about his mournful past only to have cast over him like a dark storm and trouble his mind with temerity and so, the once confident young man, lives in constant fear from embracing it. Apart from suffering from delusions indecisive thinking, Haydrex is still a noted lethal killer who murders in exchange of a wad of cash to buy drugs or booze to alleviate his distress. In a place somewhere underneath the city, in its filthy sewers, there once lay an underground settlement full of people who were struck with unfortunate poverty that finally banded together as a union to help one another during the economic crash over twenty years ago, forming a semi-communist party known as the "equalists." This group soon brought the attention of many people in both poverty and those who worked for the Government which soon posed as a threat to the political regime of New Ancora. Before that time, a child was born in one of these settlements, a child born into this small, secluded world, surrounded by concrete walls and the smell of air that was filtered from the odors of shit and piss from the people above. It wasn't until soon after a few months pass that these settlements were being rumored around the public did the government finally take action against these "equalists" who posed a political threat to them. To settle with them, the government send a regiment of national guardsmen to hopefully bring an end to the group but would soon meet retaliation as they entered. A series of raging gunfire and explosions echoed throughout the sewer systems for many hours as the equalists found themselves at a defeat, a great battle lost. The child, still an infant at the time, was founded by none other than a captain of a band of mercenaries who were little known during this time until years later. Not even he knew who his parents were, mainly in his efforts quickly save the child before he would be killed or taken into the custody of the government who would most certainly outcast him to an orphanage. After the ensuing onslaught, this boy, for the rest of the childhood, was taken under the wing of mercenaries and was taught their ways. They were at the time, named themselves "La Nokto Klingoj Ordo" (named "The Night Blades Order as translated through High Esperanto), a group of old veterans and criminals who were known for their somewhat civilized subtly and their well-trained discipline with both a blade and a handgun. The order practiced some of the teachings of the great Buddha (mainly meditation in order to help ease their minds from the repercussions of the cybergenic augmentation which seemed to plague the user with paranoid delusions) and spent the majority of their time meditating or doing jobs for local clients who would hire them for their services. They swore no alliance to anyone, or had a sense of favoritism among those who were willing to pay them the most. The only brothers they knew or loved, were each other as each and every one of them swore to take no wife or father/mother children. The order consisted on men and women who were willing to leave their former lives to join them into a completely new one. To become a Night Lurker, the individual must pass through a series of complicated trails in order to prove him/herself physically while practicing the ways and philosophies of the Order. If the individual proved him/herself, they were brought to a small room and were isolated for a few days to test their mentality and see if they would break, most did. Those who didn't, had finally proven themselves as a candidate to become a Night Lurker which consisted of one last trail, genetic augmentation. It was said that while government soldiers were delivering a package from a secret laboratory, the engine gave way and the large truck crashed unexpectedly, colliding with the streets below in a low-populated portion of the city. The one who managed to salvage what as inside was a doctor who was known to treat criminals. They were crates of injections that the doctor later examined these to realize that they were augmentations meant to enhance the user's physical capabilities. These augmentations were later, illegally, sold to the members of the La Nokto Klingoj Ordo who wanted to use them to benefit their members. The effects proved to be much more useful than anticipated, as the user was able to jump incredibly far distances and endure over three hours of sprinting at incredible speed. Soon enough, everyone who was a member of the Order was thereafter, blessed with such magnificent feats and often lurked in the night to become "one with the shadows" as they called it. However, as beneficial as it was physically, the same could not be said for the mental health of the user. There were several effects the enhancement seem to curse on the user with symptoms such as: occasional headaches, paranoia, episode of delusions, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and a handful of other thins. Haydrex was one of these individuals who became a Night Lurker at the age of 15 and was considered one of the best among his brothers. His is heavily trained in the arts of parkour, mixed martial arts, and gun-slinging. The order, however, would soon reach its demise as the band of mercenaries were soon driven out by government soldiers who were ordered to seize control of the premises(one of the reasons why district 11 was taken over). The mayor of New Ancora, ordered that every Night Lurker ought to be killed on sight while militants were called in to secure and destroy the Night Lurker headquarters and its forty or so members, killing its leader and the vast majority who affiliated with the Order. The battle was long and hard-fought, lasting the entire night as the Night Lurkers hopelessly tried to defend themselves against the many waves of soldiers who seemed to be unending in their number but to no avail. To make a very long story short, Haydrex and only a handful of others managed to escape with just their lives and swore vengeance against the mayor but would end in failure. After many years past, Haydrex soon gave up on his dream and pursued his life as a lonely mercenary and waited patiently for his chance to strike back at the ones who destroyed his home for a chance at redemption. AR 1127 .45 caliber silenced pistol, two .32 EG-128 pulse pistols, curved saber, a portable sniper rile he usually keeps at home, 12 throwing knifes, three long daggers which are hidden under his clothes, Swiss army knife. [/hider]