[b][color=ed1c24][center]The Dark Saint of Weapons; Jaunte Sparda Dark Lord's Castle; Outside Courtyard[/center][/color][/b] Night had finally come, but yet Jaunte was not sleeping. The dead do not sleep, nor do they have the need to do so. That's what Jaunte missed the most, it wasn't having a heartbeat, it was doing the things that made you feel like you're alive. He didn't have to do any of those things anymore. Jaunte was no longer human and he has grown used to that fact. The Saint looked up into the night sky, and just watched the stars. He felt something hit the top of his head, he reached up and touched the point of impact. It was water that meant that it was going to start raining. Jaunte knew that it was time to return to the keep, and before he knew it the rain was coming down faster than thought. In the short amount of time that it took the Saint to get inside the castle he became soaked to the bone. Jaunte shook his head back and fourth shaking loose the water that rested in his decaying hair. He decided to make his way to the chambers that were given to him. It was about a five minute walk from the main entrance. The Lord's castle was quite the marvel, Jaunte had never seen anything like it when he was alive. Now that he was dead, Jaunte was indifferent about the vastness of the Castle. He hasn't even explorered most of the castle. He only knows of the areas where he has been with his Master or the other seven. Jaunte finally made it to his chambers and opened the door. He stepped into the room, and left the door open, looking around he examined everything in the room. Jaunte always did that when he entered a room, it was to make sure that it wasn't a trap. Luckily it was not, Jaunte sighed in relief before taking a seat in his chair.