The team are engaging the [i]Hell's Bitches[/i] on the bank rooftop, which is currently creaking under the pressures of the damage it's taken. Sigma's overclocked systems finally began to burn out, and with his core processor threatening to overheat his emergency cutoff tripped quickly shutting down the battle suit, leaving it powered down and harmless. [indent][indent][b]Sigma[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Sigma[/b] is currently [i][b]Exposed[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]-8 Defence[/color] [b]Sigma[/b] is no longer [i][b]Overclocked[/b][/i]! (2/2) - Sigma's actions are resolved first each round, he may act twice each round [b]Sigma[/b] is now [i][b]Shut Down[/b][/i] for one round! - [color=fff200]Energy = 0[/color], [b]Sigma[/b] is [i][b]Stunned[/b][/i] and may not act or activate abilities[/indent][/indent] Bumblebee swoops down over the rooftop, using her tailwind to clear the CO[sup]2[/sup] cloud from around Thrash. [indent][indent][b]Bumblebee[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+2 Energy[/color] [b]Bumblebee[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Bumblebee[/b] is no longer [i][b]Levitating[/b][/i]! [b]Bumblebee[/b] is no longer [i][b]Ranged[/b][/i]! - May only use ranged attacks and abilities on opponents, may only be targeted by ranged attacks and abilities by opponents [b]Bumblebee[/b] shoots [b]Thrash[/b] with [i]Sting Like A Bee[/i] [color=yellow]-4 Energy[/color]:[indent] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (3/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is hit by [b]Bumblebee's[/b] [i]Sting Like A Bee[/i] for [color=ff0000]7 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]7 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color] loss [b]Thrash[/b] is now [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i] for three turns! - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color][/indent][i]Flight Control[/i]: bonus 1 XP![/indent][/indent] Psy-Warp rests and admires the view. [indent][indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is currently [i][b]Bleeding[/b][/i]! - +10% damage from all sources [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is currently[i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (2/2) - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is currently [i][b]Burning[/b][/i]!:[indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] hit by fire-based damage for [color=ff0000]6 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]12 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color] loss. [b]Psy-Warp[/b] gains 3 XP![/indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] [i][b]Rests[/b][/i]:[indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color][/indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] admires the view:[indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] notices several [b]Hostages[/b] in the street below loading cash bags into the back of the police cruisers lining the street.[/indent][i]Observant[/i]: bonus 1 XP![/indent][/indent] Vex quickly makes his way back up to the bank roof, activating his advanced targeting system on the way. [indent][indent][b]Vex[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Vex[/b] is currently [i][b]Bleeding[/b][/i]! - +10% damage from all sources [b]Vex[/b] uses [i][b]RETINA[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-3 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is now [i][b]Tagged[/b][/i] for 2 rounds! - Any attacks by Vex ignore half of Thrash's [color=00ccff]Defence[/color][/indent][i]Ninja Style[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Rocksmith takes the time to check in with his girlfriend, only to discover she's been abducted by villains and is being held in a secret lair somewhere on a tropical island. Quickly sending her instructions over the phone he guides her out through a series of extremely improbable maneuvers which ends up with the island lair exploding in a giant fireball while Lily surfs to freedom on the back of a trained porpoise. [indent][indent][b]Rocksmith[/b] recovers [color=ffff00]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Rocksmith[/b] is no longer [i][b]Disturbed[/b][/i]! [b]Rocksmith[/b] uses [b][i]Text Message[/i][/b]:[indent]Rocksmith is now [i][b]Relieved[/b][/i] for one turn! - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color][/indent][i]Lover, Not A Fighter[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Flare quickly handcuffs Thrash, who pouts her lips, a little disappointed it wasn't Deimos restraining her. [indent][indent][b]Flare[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Armed[/b][/i] ([i]SMG[/i])! - [color=ed1c24]+4 Attack[/color] [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Bleeding[/b][/i]! - +10% damage from all sources [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (2/2) - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Burning[/b][/i]!:[indent][b]Flare[/b] absorbs fire-based damage and regains [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color][/indent][b]Flare[/b] handcuffs [b]Thrash[/b]:[indent]Thrash is now [i][b]In Custody[/b][/i] and is no longer a threat to the party![/indent][i]Target incapacitated[/i]: bonus 20 XP![/indent][/indent] Heretic tries to recover himself, but as fthe battle is not yet over only finds a little rest from his relaxation. [indent][indent][b]Heretic[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Heretic[/b] [i][b]Rests[/b][/i]:[indent][b]Heretic[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] Deimos, no longer possessed by the spirit of The Queen, suddenly collapses exhausted on the rooftop. [indent][indent][b]Deimos[/b] is currently [i][b]Exhausted[/b][/i]! (1/1) - No [color=ffff00]Energy[/color] regenerated this round [b]Deimos[/b] is currently [i][b]Awakened[/b][/i] [b]Deimos[/b] is no longer [i][b]Disturbed[/b][/i]! [b]Deimos[/b] is currently [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (1/2) - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Deimos[/b] is currently [i][b]Exhausted[/b][/i]! (1/1) - No [color=ffff00]Energy[/color] regenerated this round[/indent][/indent] Brick stands motionless on the rooftop, seemingly lost in thought contemplating the Queen's words of wisdom. [indent][indent][b]Brick[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! (2/3) - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i]Shielding[/i] [b]Psy-Warp[/b], actively defending her against [b]Heretic[/b] - All attacks by [b]Heretic[/b] targeting [b]Psy-Warp[/b] hit [b]Brick[/b] instead[/indent][/indent] Void uses his powers to reinforce Thrash's handcuffs, making sure the wench can't easily escape from them. [indent][indent][b]Void[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Void[/b] is currently [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (2/2) - [color=00ccff]+2 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color][/indent][/indent] Trapped under the huge pile of wreckage, cuffed and contained, Thrash suddenly starts laughing hysterically. "You think you've won, 'heroes'? You were already too late before you even arrived!" As she keeps laughing the sound of high powered engines echoes up from the street below as two armoured trucks suddenly burst out of the rear of the bank and speed off in opposite directions down the winding city streets. At the same time the police cruisers at the front of the bank also speed off, but rather than following in pursuit the cars head off in a completely different direction, separating and taking different roads as they quickly vanish into the busy traffic. Nightingale leaps over beside Thrash, jamming a hypo in her neck as she administers a sedative. Soon the laughing drummer goes quiet as she collapses into unconsciousness. [hr] [i]All Hostiles Eliminated[/i]: 100 XP Bonus to all heroes! [center][b][/b][/center] XP Awarded:[list] [*][b]Rocksmith:[/b] 414 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Rocksmith[/b] is now [b]Level 7[/b]! 20 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 8: 500 [*][b]Bumblebee:[/b] 270 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Bumblebee[/b] is now [b]Level 5[/b]! 10 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 6: 300 [*][b]Flare:[/b] 300 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Flare[/b] is now [b]Level 6[/b]! 15 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 7: 400 [*][b]Brick:[/b] 308 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Brick[/b] is now [b]Level 6[/b]! 10 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 7: 400 [*][b]Heretic:[/b] 323 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Heretic[/b] is now [b]Level 6[/b]! 15 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 7: 400 [*][b]Sigma:[/b] 269 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Sigma[/b] is now [b]Level 5[/b]! 10 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 6: 300 [*][b]Psy-Warp:[/b] 236 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is now [b]Level 5[/b]! 15 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 6: 300 [*][b]Deimos:[/b] 255 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Deimos[/b] is now [b]Level 5[/b]! 15 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 6: 300 [*][b]Void:[/b] 281 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Void[/b] is now [b]Level 5[/b]! 15 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 6: 300 [*][b]Vex:[/b] 214 XP - [i][b]LEVEL UP![/b][/i] [b]Vex[/b] is now [b]Level 5[/b]! 15 Skill Points awarded. XP required for level 6: 300[/list] [hr] [center][b][color=cccccc]Ballistic Overload Suit Sigma - [url=][LINK][/url][/color] [color=fff200][b]Energy:[/b] 0/15[/color] [color=00ff00]11[/color] / [color=00ccff]4(-5)[/color] / [color=ff0000]6(5)[/color][/b][/center] [b]Action:[/b] [i]Shut Down[/i][hr] [center][b][color=662d91]Vaerin 'Void' Ulerrad - [url=][LINK][/url][/color] [color=fff200][b]Energy:[/b] 2/10[/color] [color=00ff00]14[/color] / [color=00ccff]7(6)[/color] / [color=ff0000]1(0)[/color][/b][/center] [b]Action:[/b] Reinforce [b]Thrash's[/b] handcuffs[hr] [center][b][color=ccffcc]Madison 'Nightingale' Johannson - [url=][LINK][/url][/color] [color=fff200][b]Energy:[/b] 6/10[/color] [color=00ff00]25[/color] / [color=00ccff]6(6)[/color] / [color=ff0000]6(4)[/color][/b][/center] [b]Action:[/b] Sedate [b]Thrash[/b] [hr] [@rush99999] [url=]Rocksmith[/url] [img][/img] [@SimplyJohn] [url=]Bumblebee[/url] [img][/img] [@Eklispe] [url=]Flare[/url] [img][/img] [@knighthawk] [url=]Brick[/url] [img][/img] [@GodOfWar] [url=]Heretic[/url] [img][/img] [@Behemoth542] [url=]Sigma[/url] [img][/img] [@General Scales] [url=]Psy-Warp[/url] [img][/img] [@KabenSaal] [url=]Deimos[/url] [img][/img] [@Shadowman215] [url=]Void[/url] [img][/img] [@Leolycan] [url=]Vex[/url] [img][/img]