James stayed cool as Zhevon ordered him to fire "Only when needed" which he did, only firing at targets that got too close for them to stop, or were too dangerous, each shot was elegantly placed whilst he did this he replied to the Inquisitor about insulting the psyker thusly: "She should not provide me with things to insult her about, such as drawing warp-tainted creatures with her powers like moths to a flame." each shot shattered a statue, which was aided by the fact his bullets were fucking massive things. Each statue destroyed sprayed debris everywhere as Aviza replied her chapter, name, and purpose. "Hm, I was not informed of this. Either way welcome, and be wary the statues are grouping-" the information giving was cut short as he saw the psyker's vortex grow, immediately yelling out to try and awaken her from her focus, and hopefully stop the casting "Psyker! Stop the casting your gonna bring the whole hallway dow-!" Once again, he was interrupted by a phenomena he could not stop as the wallls of the hallway were sucked in, and most of the retinue was launched by the pull. Off of comms he said to himself "She had better give me a good fucking reason not to shoot her...She's a threat to the whole retinue!" After his personal micro-rant, he called out on the comm-link to the retinue, praying to the God-Emperor for a reply. "Zhevon, Psyker, Aviza, anyone? Do you read? It's James, come on you don't have time to lay down, more warp-tainted statues are coming, I can hold them off, barely, but I can for about a minute if you're lucky. So hurry and get up!" He spoke as he thought he saw more statues coming through his giant peep hole in the building. [i]Get up....Get up you fools...[/i] James thought internally. The retinue's whole existence was threatened, and he was going to kick that psyker's ass when he was free to, outright reckless actions like that are idiotic, and get good people killed.