A blond woman came to answer the door, to whom the young heir had assumed to be the boy's mother. While the reaction was faint, Ren noticed the slight disturbance upon her expression when his own name was mentioned. Perhaps that wasn't too much of a surprise, considering his yakuza family was one of the more well known ones around Namimori. As if his status hadn't mattered to her, if she indeed knew who he was, the mother spoke casually towards the boy. At least it didn't have to end in a huge commotion with people screaming '[i]YAKUZA! YAKUZA! OFFICER HELP![/i]' Merely nodding in his usual silence to her inquiry, which sounded more of a joke, Ren respectfully bowed as he was given entry to their house. As he rose up the stairs as instructed to by Mrs. Yuuki, Ren paused before the door to the blond boy's room when he heard a piano playing. Seeing as it would seem rude to interrupt a performance of whoever it was, he quietly listened to the keys play a beautiful tune. Well, until the playing became rougher and slower till it stopped altogether. Taking this as a chance to intrude the owner of the room, the yakuza heir knocked onto the door twice. Pausing a little before parting his lips to speak, [color=royalblue]"...... Pardon for my intrusion, Yuuki. This is Kanesada. I wish to speak to you about [i]important matters[/i] regarding last night..."[/color]