[hider=Firebrand] [b]Name[/b]: Daemon Volga [b]Alias[/b]: Firebrand, the Scorching Berserker (simply goes by Firebrand) [b]Standing[/b]: Face, but arrogant [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Appearance][img]http://www.herpy.net/gallery/data/media/68/19504693_p0.jpg[/img] Imagine this, but with wings only half the size (just enough for him to be able to fold them around his shoulders like a cape) and obviously without the weapon.[/hider] [b]Back story[/b]: Daemon lived in an alternate reality in which dragons were the dominant race and humans were the creatures of myth. Other than this, and the dragon's main use of flight as their method of transportation, there is not much difference between his world and ours. He always loved fighting, picking them with everyone at any chance he could get away with it. And thanks to his strange inability to fly, despite having the same wings as other members of his race, he was always made fun of, so he had plenty of chances to fight. Training as a wrestler only came naturally to him. One day, however, was told of a place where he could prove himself and sit atop the sun itself as a king of warriors. He decided to give it a shot and was pulled through a dimensional rift into the world in which humans ruled their planet. Only to find that it was a one-way trip. Now he fights for two purposes: to prove that he's the best there is and to see if any of these supernatural beings knew of a way for him to return home. [b]About you[/b]: A firebreather from an alternate reality. He can breathe fire, but uses it more to show off than to attack, unless he feels that his opponent can handle it. He likes keeping a fight fair, pitting his own strength and skill against the other, perhaps even to a fault due to a stubborn attitude about playing cleanly. He is also quite chivalrous. He was always one to protect the weak and fight for those who couldn't fight themselves, or stand up for them at least. Though whether it was because he was a good person or merely loved the adoration and respect he got as a result was unknown even to himself. As a result, he is also sometimes a bit self-righteous and can be quite arrogant. [b]Why I should hire or rehire you[/b]: "I can breathe fire, dude. And I'm a dragon. I've done my research in this world and who doesn't love dragons? I'm just the most awesome warrior there is, and I'll tear anyone up in the ring who thinks they can go head to head with me! Also: I. BREATHE. FRIGGIN. FIRE." [b]Special moves[/b]: [list][*]Dragon's Claw - A variation on a striking spear in which he rushes a standing opponent and instead of driving his shoulder into his opponent's midsection, he drives his palm into it for extra reach and power and tries to smash then into the ground or a nearby turnbuckle. [*]The Fire Tornado - He grabs the legs of a downed opponent and shoots a blasts a stream of flame upward and into the air. As he's breathing fire, he spins and spins counterclockwise in a giant swing, which causes the flame above him to begin spiraling. When it comes time to release his opponent, though, he twists his right arm around and over his left so that his opponent goes spinning through the air as he's released, further disorienting them until they hit another surface. [*]Wingspan Press - Jumps from the ropes or the turnbuckle, spreads his wings as though he were flying, and crashes his body into his opponents in an attempt to tackle them to the ground. Thanks to his wings, he is able to glide slightly and slightly increase his range and horizontal reach. Often transitions to a pin attempt. [/list] [/hider] How's this look? If it works, I'll post it to the Characters tab. Also, is there a problem with having two characters? I had another idea while making this one, but I won't mind either way.