Name:Catherine Bellaway Alias:Tsukihime Standing:Face Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Back story:Born of a relatively poor family, she grew up in a happy environment regardless of their money problems. While her family seemed content of their life, Cathy dreamed of being rich, and maybe famous. But mostly rich. She believed sincerely that the oft spoken phrase of 'Money does not matter' was, to put it simply, horseshit. People who had everything from the start can say that carelessly, unaware of the many problems that stem from lacking money. Food, shelter, and a warm bed weren't exactly prolific in the wilds after all. All of them were bought with currency. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it sure as hell can buy the anything else. So to that end,as soon as she could she worked deadbeat jobs, side jobs, and a few shady jobs, but always found it wasn't enough. What she earned was barely enough to raise her above the poverty line, though she usually sent most of her earnings to her now aging parents. So when she saw a wrestling match one day, and learned how even mid ranked wrestlers could earn big, she took out her savings and started learning. Learning quickly, she took advantage of her Eastern appearance for her gimmick and persona, Tsukihime, earning her name in the lower ranked matches, before pushing on to higher ranks. Those who underestimated her smaller stature and gender would usually find themselves flat on their faces wondering how anyone could move that fast. About you:A wrestler with an obviously Eastern influence, focusing mostly on speed and technique. Stronger than she looks, with very painful submission holds. Why I should hire or rehire you: Because people like underdogs and flashy techniques. With her stature that makes it looks like David versus Goliath in the ring, people will go into a frenzy supporting both sides of the match. Add in that most people think it was improbable for someone small to beat those many huge wrestlers hulking over her, and its an almost surefire way to draw people in to watch the match. Special moves:Lunar Straight: When the opponent is in the middle of the ring, and there is a suitable opening, she could execute a near vertical superkick to the chin to launch the opponent high into the air, before jumping on the ropes then catapulting herself for a sliding kick just as the opponent hits the mat.