Eric _______________________________________ He sat there with a piece of grilled cheese hanging out of his mouth. He was star struck at her revealing, and Eric had not meant to let her leave the room with out some questions. He stood up to fast and got light-headed, but by then she was gone. He looked at Ash and chuckled. "Well what do you think it will be like when our hearts go stop." He was really trying to find a bright side to this situation but it was not coming. Ashburn _______________________ Ash sat up and leaned against the wall, the cool cinder-block feeling nice against his warm skin. He sat silently for a moment and thought over what she had said. Lost in his thoughts he mindlessly munched on the sandwich, not even really tasting it but still glad it was solid food. Eric's chuckling pulled him out of his head. "Well I'm not sure really" Ash said thoughtfully and slowly "If our souls are eternal I'm guessing we would barely notice, after all its not like we are aware of our hearts beating on a normal day." Ash paused to take a few more bites of his grilled cheese "The part that really grabbed my attention was the bit about powers. I wonder what she means by that? Will we be like spider man or something?" Ash said playfully, imagining himself trying to chase down bad guys stuffed like a sausage into a skin tight costume "I hope the costume is optional if it is, because nobody wants to see this in a full body speedo" he quipped, gesturing at his skinny body. Eric ___________________ "A speedo doesn't sound to bad." Eric said with a smile. He thought about the etarnal souls part but the thing that really caught his eye was the poawers too. Would they have the same kind? Or would he be able to some crazy stuff? "I get you though, but something else that was on my mind was our looks. I know she did not mention it but I don't want to look like this the rest if my immortal life." He said as hebgestured ri his body. Eris had no problem with his body but if he had to be immortal he would want some thing a little extra. "Well when do you thin she is coming back." Ashburn -------------- He blushed at Eric's speedo comment but tried to hide it "Well to answer your first point I know what you mean." Ash replied, it wasn't that he hated his body. He really did like it for the most part, but if he had to spend an eternity with it he wanted something that made him smile. And right now he just seemed so average, minus the long black hair. "I'm not really sure. Maybe to pass the time we should get to know each other better? After all we are stuck with each other for at least several months" Ash finished his grilled cheese and set the plate on the ground, wincing as the movement stretched his still mending arm. He was quite interested to learn more about Eric, the German-American that seemed deep yet knowable. Eric _____________________ Eric thought about it, he had not learnt much about Ash even though they worked together for a while so why not do it now. "That sounds good considering the circumstances, what do you want to know?" He saidnafter he choked down the last of the milkshake. These things were gonna kill him, if the whole demon thing didn't. Ashburn __________ Ash smiled for moment as he thought carefully. "Well I am very bad at interrogations" he quipped " maybe I could just start with mine? From there maybe you will have an idea" Ash took a deep breath as he collected his thoughts and began " I was born in Montreal, Quebec in December of 1993. I do not remember too much about my early life, though I do remember how much I loved playing in the snow. When I started going to elementary school I begin to have health to have health problems. At first I didn't really notice, I still got to play with my friends and nobody seemed to worried. I guess that is the special thing about being a child, you never see the bad in things. Everything is a joyous adventure to be had. Well anyway at age 6 my parents decided to take me to the doctor apparently I was getting sick too often. It was true of course I caught every bug that went around Plus several that didn't, throughout the time I just considered it free days off. The doctors couldn't figure it out and since my mom had always have the same problem it was just assumed to be bad genetics. " well to move on at age 12 my dad got transferred to the United States. Somehow he convinced my mother to move to Alabama and all of us to try and learn English. I actually caught on fairly quickly, since in Canada I had already been studying English for my entire school career. This was also the time that my health really took a turn for the worst. I developed asthma and was always suffering from allergies, and I don't mean light sniffles I mean hacking cough and inhaler usage every day no matter what medicine the doctors tried that particular week. Believe me they even tried importing some random s*** from China, all that did was give me an allergic reaction ironically. Despite my limitations I joined a band obviously I could not play a wind instrument, that would be a very quick suicide, so I took up the cello. Laugh it up but I was a damn good cello player and even competed at state. When I graduated my parents were worried about me leaving and living by myself, especially my worry wart mother. She knew I was smart, or at least you claim that was. I guess not being able to run around and play I had become too fond of my books. Honestly besides the cello all I have are my books. I couldn't run and play sports and in Alabama that's all that mattered. I guess I just love learning so I became friends with my books, the only people but never talk back and to never laugh as I used an inhaler. But returning to what I was saying earlier I went to school up here to get my degree in engineering. I have a weak spot for mechanical things and thought is a good major for me and I ended up working here a few months ago after my last job fired me for having an asthma attack in front of the CEO. Not exactly the highlight of my life but I guess if I were not working here I might be dead. Like my mother, who died last month" Tears entered his eyes as he spoke in a choked voice " the doctors never figured out what's wrong with her. It just seems like everything was failing. One of her lungs two strokes everything. Her whole body seem to be attacking seem t to be attacking itself. Its just beyond tragic you know? I can't help but think maybe she was a demon to. If she had been unsealed she may have lived." Ash pulled his legs close and buried his face in them "I can't believe I actually believe this craziness" It took a few moments for him to regain his composure but when he did Ash looked at Eric sheepishly "I'm sorry. You're miserable enough without my moaning" He blushed slightly when he looked into Eric's eyes. Eric _________________________________________ Eric had been listening the entire time. Ash had developed his problems long before Eric he, he was a trooper and now Eric knew why he had that deep look in his eyes. "I am so sorry you had to go through that. You are stronger than most I know, a lot would have just been given up a long time ago. Sometimes the moaning is what you need to get through this kind of struggle." Eric looked back at his wit soft eyes he then began to speak. "Well I was born in New York, New York June 23, 1996. But I did not grow up in America much, my father was German and my mother was American so my childhood was split between the two. Every like three months or so I would be back out here with my mother on some new venture, staying with some relative or another, or in Germany with my father "learning" how to be a well sophisticated man. You know, all the time they spent away from each other, I always wondered about the integrity of their marriage. But it turns out they were happy and met every few months to exchange me and get together, they had one of those arranged marriage thingy." He had a confused look on his face because till this day he still did not understand their relationship. "Anyways, I started getting sick at 5, I had some kind of heart defect and suffered my first heart attack at 6. That was not pleasant at all, and I was in the hospital for months under "watch", but in truth the doctors could not find out why, at such a healthy age I would have a advance condition. Not to soon after I developed asthma, and sever anxiety. Being an over excited little kid just fed the anxiety and made my attacks more common. Originally it used to be stressful situations but now it is just at random. My parents had me with every doctor they could find and each one could not find a solution, so my mom settled with one, sports. When her and my dad heard that they jumped at it, my mom was happy t have found a manageable solution and my dad was happy to have a athletic son. We tried the oblivious one, football, but it was to much stress on my body, my dad deiced on volleyball, wrestling, soccer, and baseball. During my middle school and high school years was the most amount of time we had ever spent together. after I had gotten sick he had become distant because he did not know how to help. Sports weren't that bad, helped me tone out very well, as you can see, speaking of that I need to get Mabel to bring me a shirt." He said as he slapped his chest lightly and picked up the "rag" she had given him to wear. "But I digress, my youth was not that bad. most of elementary and middle school I was home schooled by private tutors. My dad got fed up with that and demanded I go to a high school for my final years. That was fun, people were nice and the nurse and me became best friends." Eric said with a light chuckle. "I have only had three heart attacks in my life. The first I have told you about, but the second was in 6th grade when I tried to play football. We were doing tackling drills and I got hit a little to hard. The doctors said the sever trauma to my body is what brought it on and that I should not try playing again. I don't remember much though, getting hit and then blacking out, then waking up with the tubes and machines beeping all around, and then having one parent their depending on my location a the time, my mom because I was in America. I was in a coma for 5 months from what I was told, and not once did my dad visit me, but hey who wants to see me lying in a hospital be right." By now Eric had this look of hate and anger in his eye. He had never told anyone about this, his deepest darkest feelings towards the man. "My third attack was my fault. I was in Germany with my dad, you know their is always a learn difference between the Americas and Germany in my life. When I was in America, everything was warm and fuzzy, the family liked me and we all got along, but most of my incidents happened there. But in Germany, it was cold and rough, and I will tell you why. So I guess that my great grand father and mother were Aryan Nazis and my grandfather was a supporter. So when they heard that he married and in-peregrinated an American woman who did not follow the blonde suite, most were not happy. They called me all sorts of names, some of his family even think I am not his son because I look nothing like him. He is blonde with blue eyes, I have neither so something must be wrong, or is it that I look to much like my mother. Well either way they don't like me and hate my mother even more, although my dad's sister is really nice to me, her name is Aunt Helen. I never asked how my dad felt about his heritage, but from what I was told he went through a short phase, but now he tries his best to cover up his lineage as much as possible, so that has to speak for something right." Eric said this with a nervous tone and rubbing the back of his neck, most people did not take to well tot eh information he just shared, and always began to judge him because of family history. "Wait what was I talking about again? On yeah, my third attack. Well I was in Germany and had been playing volleyball. But I was being stupid and not watching diet and the doctors kept telling my that if I don't start to eat some more that I could have another attack, but I was to focused on keeping my weight down for wrestling and not on my health. Well first game of the season and mid-serve I fell out, started to spasm on the court and well the rest follows suit. Ambulance is called, I get to hospital, they hook me up to machines after I stabilize and then I make people wait. When I woke up from this one though some things were different. I had been asleep for 9 months, that's the longest ever in my history, and I woke up to my father crying. Can you imagine, the man in your life who has never shown any kind of emotion but you wake up to him crying at your bedside. Well it turns out the reason dad was in tears, was because he had signed the paper work to take me off of life support two hours before I had woken up, I think he was waiting for my mom to get their or something like that. After I had woken up and was taken back to America by my mother, we did not speak again and have not since. She won't let me and he has not tried so that is it I guess." Eric always got frustrated when he spoke about his father, the man made him mad all the time and at the mention of his name his blood began to boil, but he could not quite figure out why. Eric had already forgiven him and put what happened behind him but still his dad was a sore topic for him to discuss. "That was when I was 17, so like 2 years ago, and I have been better. I don't play sports any more, still work out, but no more sports. I should say thank you. For letting me verbally throw up on you. I have not shared these feelings with anyone so to finally talk about them has taken some weight off my shoulders." He stood up and stretched, then looked at Ash. "Now I feel like a jerk, the most I have said to you ever and it's all about me." He sat down again and continued to look at Ash. "So ummm....what is your favorite movie, book, color? I think we should get the obvious stuff out of the way before Mabel comes back with more life changing news." Ashburn ______________________ Ash gave Eric a reassuring smile "Don't worry about it man. I know what its like to be an outcast, I am just sorry it was your family that made you feel so." With a groan Ash managed to get himself into a standing position, causing stars to flash before his eyes. Ignoring Eric's later questions Ash just reached out and gave him a hug, though most of his weight was shifted to Eric because he was so weak. It was all that he knew to to right then, after all talking seemed to pointless when Eric was obviously hurting. "I'm sorry you had to go threw that. Its not fair, I'm just glad you're alright and you're stronger for it" He said softly, just hoping that he was somehow making Eric feel better, even if just to make him feel a little better after all he had suffered.