One after another, the trainers came into the lab. One, being elegantly dressed. Alex did think it was over the top, but she was pretty. Layla noticed Alex, seeing him not take his eyes off the girl. Layla, jealous, stepped in front of him, blocking his view. Professor Cedar gasped for the second time today. [color=magenta]"Is everything ok?!"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Elf! It's you!"[/color] Completely ignoring Layla, Professor Cedar walked over to the boy, noting his Pokemon, and how much he's grown. Layla put her hands to her face and shook her head. [color=magenta][i]"For the second time today, she's done that."[/i][/color] She whispered to Alex as he tried to contain his laugh at her remark. But he failed in doing so, and it came out as a loud, groggy sound. That got the Professor's attention, and she continued with what was most important. [color=ed145b]"Anyways. I'm Professor Cedar, but you probably know that already. My assistant, Layla here, has some items that will help you along your way."[/color] She glanced over to Layla, signaling her to speak. [color=magenta]"Yes, yes I do. For each of you we have five pokeballs, a Pokedex, and a Gen 3 Pokenav. A Pokenav is a special device, that has many useful tools, like a map, and my favorite, the DexNav. The DexNav tells you about Pokemon in the area."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Well it has been good to see all of you for the first time. I hope you make many strong bonds with lots of Pokemon, and have a great journey. Remember appropriate travel wear is best for this, like jeans, a T-Shirt, and a jacket for if its cold.[/color] She glanced in the direction of the girl in the extremely over the top, ruffly dress [color=ed145b]"Any questions?"[/color]