[hr][center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2753858][color=f7941d]Beatrice 'Bumblebee' McLeod[/color][/url] [color=ffff00][b]Energy:[/b] 10/10[/color] [b][color=39b54a]25[/color] / [color=00aeef]3(10)[/color] / [color=ed1c24]12[/color][/b][/center][hr] As she stands on the edge of the hole, watching the captive drummer carefully, Bumblebee begins to tinker with her fuel intake valves. Suddenly she feels a surge of power, the new settings seem to have her jetpack working even more efficiently than before and with a sudden boost in power output the aviatrix quickly bleeds the excess into her blasters. Aiming over at the twisted metal remains of the Hell's Bitches stage Bumblebee releases a blast and watches in delight as the electrical current leaps from one twisted speaker to another before finally grounding itself on a nearby television aerial. "That'll do," she mutters to herself as she swings the weapon back around to cover the 'musician' once more. [hr] Recover [color=ffff00]+3 Energy[/color] Bumblebee is currently [i][b]Armoured![/b][/i] [color=00aeef]+3 Defence[/color] [i][b]Level Up![/b][/i][list][*]Bumblebee upgrades the [i]Improved Fuel Mix[/i] trait - [color=ffff00]+2 Energy Regeneration[/color] per turn [*]Bumblebee gains the [i]Arc Lightning[/i] trait [*]Bumblebee gains [color=39b54a]+5 Health[/color] [*]Bumblebee gains [color=ed1c24]+5 Attack[/color][/list] [b]Action:[/b] [i]Recuperate[/i] - Bumblebee regains all [color=ffff00]Energy[/color]