[hider=Werewolf][b]Name[/b]: Riley Carlson [b]Alias[/b]: Werewolf [b]Standing[/b]: Neutral [b]Appearance[/b]: Has the appearance of a bipedal gray wolf. Otherwise, all human features, from muscles to limb layout, with the exception of his tail. Stands at 5'7" and possesses an athletic muscular build. [b]Back story[/b]: Once a normal human like everyone else, he was drugged one day and kidnapped. He would find himself in a biological lab. Through the magic of science, various victims were infused with animal DNA and would create their own beast-men (and some women). Many lost their human selves. Then, they were trained to fight for the amusement of other humans. Over time, however, Riley found his own humanity returning to him, though there was nothing he could do about his own body. Once he became as intelligent as he once was, he escaped to the surface. He then took up a profession where it would be easy to disguise his new look. By wrestling under the guise of a werewolf, people that did not know about his condition would merely assume that he got really into his part. He...has also never won a match, so he was often relegated to jobber status, which was just fine with him. After all, that meant the spotlight was on him less. [b]About you[/b]: Riley fights for himself to live on. He just doesn't want to seem out of place. As such, going into this road to the sun competition, he could feel like he would be somewhere he could really belong. And he could finally show what he's really capable of. He focuses on his speed and ferocity, trying not to let up on an opponent or give them a chance to breathe. He also has remarkable endurance, able to stay in a match much longer than an average wrestler, thanks to all of the feral fighting that has been done against him. [b]Why I should hire or rehire you[/b]: "I'm quick and all over the place. I love playing the role of the beast and will face anyone anywhere. And I like to prolong my matches...meaning I'll always put giving any adoring fans a good show...whether I end up winning or losing." [b]Special moves[/b]: [list][*]The Pounce - Perches on top off a turnbuckle and leaps forward, wrapping his arms around the target's head or chest and flips the both of them, landing on his all fours, trying to slam his opponent into the mat beneath him. [*]Howling Buster - A variation of a bulldog. Gets behind the opponent, lets out a loud howl, and lunges forward, gripping the back of their head and driving them face-first down to the ground while his own body falls onto their back. [*]CDD - The "Carlson Death Drop." His finisher of choice. A type of DDT. Drags an opponent up into the corner of the ring and props him up on top of the turnbuckle. He then steps onto the lowest rope, pulls the target into a front facelock, and then bounces off of the rope, backflips, and drives his opponent's head into ground. [/list] [/hider] [@Sekai] Heheh. Don't worry too much, I think it works. xD