[@Blubaron45] I have to agree with Mach on this one. It isn't at all a bad character, he just doesn't fit the lore of New Ancora. I get more of a 'superhero/vigilante' feel from him and that's just a BIT too far-fetched for this rp. You can either make edits and tone him down (which will take some work) or you are free to create a new character, it is your decision. Just... less 'anime-ish' please. [@Darkmatter] I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean. Like, change the format of the CS sheet? As long as the required information is there, I'm not at all against you adding different things. If Ghost Shadow were playing an actual human, you would see an entire wardrobe section in there lol :D [@Lev] You have a lot of good points, and I think for right now I'm just going to make a 'make sure 3 [i]characters[/i] have posted since you've posted' rule just because there are so many of us. I say characters and not players because there are some of us with 2 characters that do very different things :P Does that help?