Holy shit all the yes. I still need to read the rest of the Premise information but yes yes yes count me in. EDIT Alright more to the eloquent side of things, this strongly resembles an idea I've had for a while, ever since watching [i]A Beautiful Mind[/i] in junior high. This idea is of a story told from the POV of a hallucination as the person imagining them eventually realizes that they aren't real. I don't know if the reasons this reminds me of that are clear, and if they aren't then I can't really explain them XD In any case, I've always loved internal conflict. My only concern is the first person POV, since more often than not, it gets really confusing to read in an RP setting. I mean, I'm not the boss of you, but that's just a concern of mine. Although, the more I think about it, the more I can see how it could work. Otherwise, I'd love to be a part of this.