Xander had been on school grounds since about 4:30 am. Not out of effort of course but the exact opposite. He had taken his time last night to wander about the city, taking subways and seeing the sights until ...eventually he had found the school grounds where he proceeded to sleep at the front doors. He never really saw the need to rush so much in the morning. Mornings were for relaxing and taming hangovers. Xander had managed to meander into the class rather early, since he didn't know anyone anyways. He however did manage a short nap before the teacher barged in, score one for Xander!~ As soon as he heard the teacher's request of being seated Xander jerked his head up, rubbing his eyes and temples attempting to wake himself up. All he heard was something about a decent human being, someone named Abe, and ice breaker. Xander managed a half-assed grunt in response and grabbed his bag. He was listening to the teacher's questions while he rummaged through the bag for something to write on and something to write with. Xander pulled out a slightly crushed piece of paper with a small chicken doodled on it and ran it along the desk edge to try and smooth it out a bit. Then finally he somehow found a random blue colored pencil and decided it was good enough. Xander mostly tried to focus on the question while he heard everyone writing, or talking about he really didn't care what, And the poor guy that was late on his first day. He had very seriously considered taking the teacher's requests literally, but he didn't seem like a bad guy, so not today. [color=00aeef][i]Alright, first question.[/i][/color] One quick glance at his hand gave him all the info he needed. [color=00aeef][i]Blue.[/i][/color] Yeah, Xander was gettin it done! Question two. [color=00aeef][i]Not to be there.[/i][/color] Almost done, he thought about it for awhile then put [color=00aeef][i] More snacks.[/i][/color] Crushed it.