[center][h1]Welcome to Aldholt![/h1] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2v9rupk.jpg[/IMG][/center] [hr] So, my idea for this game is that we build a great medieval city together and then play in it. Players will get to create guilds, important families, secret societies, temples, fantasy races, and other cool stuff. Then they get to create a character (or possibly two (or three)) and play out any story they like. It'll be freeform in the sense that I won't provide a main storyline. We will interact with each other as we please. Anyone can join, and the rule of "first come, first serve" applies - you can't create the elven race if it's already created (although you can change the name and have it your way anyway). When I say that anyone can join, though, the rules of the Casual section are still in force. No one-liners. Good (or at least passable) grammar. Don't wierd it out too much. Keep it simple: Medieval Fantasy Town. Those are the words you'll use for inspiration when creating your species or guilds or whatever.