The golden twinge of the dawn sun had just appeared over the horizon as he stepped into the vicinity of the tavern's exterior, Archibald saw that a variety of colorful characters had begun to pour out of the late-night watering hole. [hider=Lieutenant Archibald Watson] [/hider] [b]"Come on."[/b] he said as he motioned for the rest of his squadron to follow him. Lieutenant Watson made his way through the motley crowd while getting mixed looks of confusion, disgust, and spite. It seemed clear that some of the bunch didn't want the eye of the law to catch a good look at them. He slung his carbine and entered into the doorway followed by the five men in the recognizable bright-red coats of the Royal Military. [b]"Good morning, sir! Does your bar take kindly to the likes of a couple of red bastards such as ourselves?"[/b] he inquired to the half-troll behind the counter.