[quote=@Laue] Soo yeah, what about John? As unlikely as it is, it would be quite awesome for him to catch up to the group somehow. [/quote] I do in fact have a way of getting [@whist] and [@ravenDivinity]'s characters back into the shrine, so John can catch up to them. However, neither of them have posted for 7 days, and whist hadn't even logged in either in the past 7 days. I did send both of them a PM 5 days ago, to which ravenDivinity responded, so at least he probably isn't becoming inactive. However, if whist continues to be inactive... I'll probably need to make some kind of contrived plot event happen so that John and Darius are teleported across the map to somewhere close to one of the other groups, while Grant gets teleported to somewhere unknown. If whist then becomes active again, it'll turn out that Grant got teleported to somewhere close to John and Darius. This is a bit convoluted, though. I'm going to PM the two of them again, and see if they'll post. If they don't post in two days, I'll do the aforementioned contrived plot event. [quote=@akje] [@JohnSolaris] Is there any one of us up there who would be able to recognise those? [/quote] What do you mean? The geographical inaccuracies? Nobody would recognize any inaccuracies, because if there [i]were[/i] any inaccuracies, I would edit my post so that the inaccuracies are no longer there. Internal consistency is important to me, after all. [quote=@akje] [@JohnSolaris] Like your DMing so far. Love the setting. [/quote] Thanks. I was worried if my hosting is up to standard in this forum, and this is reassuring.