The unanticipated response from James left Aviza somewhat confused, if not curious due to the fact that the reply was interpreted as friendly. She was left partially paranoid and was still being cautious because only a moment ago, and most likely still, the assassin had his crosshair centered on her head or a vital area of her body. After a short while, she decided that trust was the best option for now, and she responded by simply saying [color=00aeef]“Thank you, I appreciate the warning.”[/color] By now, the vortex that the Psyker was forming had grown to considerable size, and was drawing in large number of the statues in the area. [color=00aeef]“Eliminating all of the statues before we have had our fun, Psyker?”[/color] asked Solares with a soft smirk from under her helmet. The smirk quickly vanished though as purple tendrils of pure warp energies reached out from the vortex and violently thrashed about. [color=00aeef]“Psyker, do you not think that now would be an appropriate time to close the vortex?”[/color] a torrent of violent wind was causing the cloth areas of Aviza’s armor to flap against the wind. It was around this time that Aviza was starting to regret following the group into the War Memorial Art Gallery. The vortex grew and gained momentum at an alarming pace now, causing the very building or perhaps reality to bend around it with a demonic straining sound that almost sounded like a growl coming from all around them. Then the sound of an endless amount of voices that screamed out in agony and terror attacked their senses. The sound alone almost is bringing Aviza to the brink of insanity, and most likely the rest of the group not far from madness themselves. There was no other word to describe what was happening in the hallway besides complete and absolute chaos. Having very little time to react, Aviza and the rest of the group were now being pulled towards the vortex. She had seen what had happened to the statues when they got close enough to the epicenter of the vortex, and being ripped apart at a sub-atomic level was not how she wanted die. Listening to the Psyker regret her life decisions, or at least the vortex, Aviza tried to grab onto the anything in the room to slow her decent, but failed and simply glided towards the Vortex. At that time, she had completely forgotten about the null-rod and was trying to accept her death, though thankfully it to was being sucked towards the vortex. Once the null-rod came within range of it, the vortex instantly closed, leaving Aviza relived. There was another problem though, the group had gained so much momentum while being sucked towards the vortex that they had now become projectiles flying down the hallway. Aviza hit the ground hard, to the point of where she bounced in her power armor and managed to knock her helmet off of her head, which rolled across the floor. When she opened her blue eyes, she found herself lying mostly on top of the Psyker, staring directly into her eyes. With an emotionless look on her face and a matching tone, Aviza said [color=00aeef]“The forces of the Warp have spoken, and we already have step one down.”[/color] Carefully and gently, Aviza pulled herself off of the most likely very sore Psyker before struggling to stand on her own two feet, letting Stukov help the Psyker onto her feet. The voice of James who sounded legitimately worried about their well-being was asking for someone to reply, [color=00aeef]"We are here James, wounded and shaken, but we are here."[/color] Her body was in quite a lot of pain, but she wasn’t going to worry about that until the rest of her newly found squad was on their feet. They were most likely all in bad shape, but thankfully Aviza had been trained in advanced medical aid for situations such as this. There was little she could do though, without a full medical kit at the ready.