Aside from a bit of frantic struggling, which will be detailed in a moment, Kanitah really couldn't do anything aside from get ragdolled through the air. Flying was one of the things that he would never really have the advantage of, unless he were fully armed. Any foe that had air superiority would always have the upper hand on Kanitah, and he fully accepted that. With that in mind, he wasn't entirely helpless in the air. With how much force he puts out and how much he actually weighs, a bit of mid air course correction isn't outside of his reach. Though it was always awkward and painful, especially in this sort of situation. While he was thinking of his wife and a dish of Pundambayan meats and a vegetable that bears a striking resemblance to pumpkins but with a taste similar to cheese, Kanitah was struck in the side by Fury's right hook. Forcing him away from his foe once again, though it was very much evident that Fury was attempting to get underneath him. This was not, actually, the first time that he had been juggled in the air. With Fury positioning himself below Kanitah, and Kanitah now spinning because of the force put into him by the punch. Kanitah lashed out with both of his legs, aiming in all directions with random interval kicks, each carrying enough force to snap a human like a twig. A frantic, mid-air, spinning death kick. Though it made him look like a horse's ass, it was just about all he could do. While he's spinning in the air, he foot might smack down on the crown of Fury's head, or maybe it'll clip him in the shoulder. Hell, it could miss entirely and he could be careening towards the nearest tree. With no way of telling while he's flailing about in the air, he won't know until he, or his kick, lands.