[center][i][h2]T H E M U L T I V E R S E[/h2][/i][/center] [hr] [quote=Anonymous] [pre]Nov. 1, 1828 The Multiverse ... What is it? In theory, the multiverse is a set of finite and infinite alternate universes which exist parallel to one another, and together, define the entirety of everything in existence. That is to say, the multiverse is everything that science has only just scratched the surface of; space, time, matter, energy... The first universe was the base of all others, though we know not when the first was created. Each alternate universe thereafter is theorized to have come about from a successful occurrence in it's history, an occurrence which split it from its base (or the product of the base) and gave rise to a new universe. By the extension of that logic, we could say that a universe is created for every choice an individual makes. It's nonsense, of course. There are too many individuals in the world for each one's actions to have such a huge impact that it would spawn the birth of a new universe. Therefore, we have limited the theory of creation to large scale events. For the past five years, my colleagues and I have argued heartily for the acceptance of the theory of many-worlds, but with no solid proof, we set out to make some. The slow evolution of technology has hindered our progress exponentially, but finally, we believe we've found something. A radar, quite revolutionary, developed by yours truly, has keenly alerted us to the presence of something beyond the thin black veil of space. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning. About three years earlier, we produced our first on earth wormhole. A swirling, gravitation-less mass, black in colouration, with a thin middle and two gaping mouths on the ends. We tossed in a friend's toaster, and waited. The mouth which swallowed it did so slowly, and we found that we had to encourage the floating toaster to be on its way. It never came out the other side. I believe it is important to mention that there seems to be no gravity within the immediate are of the wormhole, nor a powerful sucking force. I even dared to march right up to the wormhole, only to find it was as though nothing but thin, coloured, air floated in front of me. Whatever goes in the wormhole requires some sort of propulsion to make its way through. There, the toaster, which was quite inanimate, would have never made it to the other side (per say it could have). Rather, it would have needed limbs, such as our own, to swim through the dense, water like nothingness of the hole, or jets to push it through. Understanding our predicament, we created a small but powerful satellite, DIVINITY, to maneuver its way through the wormhole. Paired with its own very powerful radio system, we hoped to maintain contact with it as it was absorbed into the black mass, which was somehow both airy and watery thick. What a success! DIVINITY, that small piece of scrap metal, seemed to have found a totally other world. Blurry pictures detailed lush but dark forests and a dulled sky, with a barely visible sun. We spotted shadows of life, indiscernible creatures in DIVINITY's iffy focus, but surely creatures. We're going to present this proof to the Board tomorrow. Before, where on luck was on our side, now stands reality and truth! [/pre] [pre]Nov. 10, 1828 We've been given the thumbs up to continue our research by the Board! And quite a bit of funding too![/pre] [pre]Jan. 21, 1829 I am pleased to announce (or rather, record) that FIVE more wormholes have been created, each yielding similar results to the first. Life is copious on at least three of the five new universes we've discovered. The outlook for future communication is looking positive.[/pre] [pre]March 8, 1829 Something is not right.[/pre] [pre]March 10, 1829 I'm scribbling this down rather quickly, as there is no time to be detailed. *Strawberry's note: Always so says the character who yet continues to include detail. I hope the lack of paragraphs in this entry will convince of his haste.* This morning, some black gelatinous mass seeped out of our first wormhole. It was rather shapeless when it emerged, and its thickness would have been comparable to that of the physical feel of a wormhole. Immediately, its wormhole began to degenerate, slowly fading away, and leaving us with a creature quite out of our capabilities. We observed for a while, and then finally, it spurred into action. It must have taken note of us; while it maintained its black detail-less colouration, it formed into a shape eerily similar to that of a human. And then it attacked, almost swallowing two of our researchers whole, and going after a good deal of equipment. Finally, it seemed to collapse inward on itself, and disappeared. From what I gathered, there seems to be only one conclusion. It is a SENTIENT WORMHOLE. Notably, there was a toaster sticking out of it when it emerged.[/pre] [pre]March 11, 1829 The lab is in RUINS. That beast sucked up everything it could, but more than anything, we know it was trying to take a bite out of us. What's more, one of our satellites has observed its doings in (very luckily) a universe of one of our other wormholes. The creature attacks and conquers and gains. It seems to be building intelligence whilst attempting to dominate those worlds in which it visits. What's more, once done, it leaves a wormhole behind. The thing can create wormhole! We're not quite sure what, or how many, other worlds it has moved on to, as we only got lucky... This our fault. If we hadn't been so rearing to discover new worlds...[/pre] [pre]March 20, 1829 Ok, well its taken us a small while, but we've come up with a solution. We didn't really come up with it, not on our own at least. The wormholes are going haywire, spitting creatures of all manner into the lab, some sentient, others more beastly. We, with the help of the government that we've inevitably had to involve, have captured a few of these creatures and held them prisoner. We will hold them till we can stabilize the wormholes and return them to their native universes. Our interests lie with the sentient creatures. We'll gather "heroes," call upon sentient beings from other universes. Surely if the entire world is threatened, good or bad, these people/kind-of-people, will help us. Right?[/pre][/quote] [hr] [i][h3]Premise[/h3][/i] So this is where our characters come in. I have yet to create profiles for our mysterious groups of scientists, but they will basically be guiding our characters on the way to destroy our gelatinous friend, who is, as of yet, unnamed, but consistently evolving. This creature is going to change and learn with each new world, and become increasingly insurmountable. And become quite the escapist too...I don't want to give away too much about him/her, but I have its "powers" fleshed out to the point that it will hopefully pull the rp along quite well. Our character have been spit out from unstable wormholes and captured by the scientists and government of the world where all this drama started. Our scientists, being very crafty, have devised a plan to use the most sentient creatures to tail and hopefully subdue or defeat Mr. Toaster Monster. Our characters will be first called to the lab of the scientists who created the wormhole, where they will be informed and recruited. Then they will sent off, with communicators and another more advanced satellite to guide them through the universes as they attempt the search for the angry jelly. [h3]Rules[/h3] The basics really: [list][*]No godmoding, powerplaying, the like.[/list] [list][*]Be respectful to your fellow rpers.[/list] [list][*]Idk, I've never been good with rules.[/list] [list][*]Especially since I just threw this together.[/list] [list][*]Like 2 seconds ago.[/list] [list][*]And I'm tired.[/list] [list][*]You know what, I'll work on rules tom tom. Let's move on.[/list] [center][hider=CS] Feel free to sparkle this up however you want. [b]Appearnce:[/b] Preferably a written description. [b]Genre(s):[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] Long or short as you want, I've never really been keen on the bio section. Some people flesh it out for their characters, others like me like to have very average characters who've just started their journeys, so you write what feels best.. Ok, now here comes the tricky part. Everything after Bio is up to you. All world building elements, planet elements, society structure, weaponry, species...all that description is up to you, depending on what world you've built for your character. I don't feel like I can cover every aspect of description you might wish to include, so I'm giving you free reign to create sections. This'll mean that not everyone's CS will be very conformist, but then and again its a multiverse rp, so where is the conformity. I hope you all get it, but if not, I'll whip up a more detailed CS.[/hider][/center]