[@RokkuHoshi] I have a few statements and questions for you. I'm just going to list them in number format. 1.) Your character is Half Angel and Half Demon, correct? If that is the case, he would be classfied under the same catogory as my character, A Nephilim. 2.) Be honest with this one, I don't like someone who lies. Have you ever watched Supernatural? 3.) There is no special abilities to a Demon Dagger, they don't have the same properties as a Angel blade. 4.) As for you having an Angel Sword, at this point in the RP there is no plausible way to have one. The Angel blade hasn't been introduced until season 8, and we are still on season 5. As for aquiring the Angel Sword, it's not that easy due to the fact that the Grigori are the ones that wield them. And if memory serves when Sam, Dan and Castiel facd the Grigori it almost kiled them, it was killed by a surprise attack. 5.) On to the half of Exclabiur bit, it hasn't been even introduced yet, the sword isn't brought in the story yet. At this point, it still sits in the stone, and Dean has not blown it up yet. So that is a No Go. 6.) As for your history, there is no plausible way to grow up as a Human Orphan. Demons and Angels have to posess a body to live in it. Demons ca do it at will, and Angels have to get invited in. Also, when you possess a body, it does not age, so even if you possessed a child's body it would not grow and mature. You'd be stuck in that body until you move on to an older body. Fix these things, and then PM me the new and revised version and we will go from there. Thank you kindly. Also, if I sounded like a dick, I am sorry, that's not how I wanted to sound.