The tense few moments listening to the echo-y footsteps of the people who had every intention of killing them. The one other combat mission he had been on had taught him something valuable according to Sura. It wasn't the fighting that would get you killed, it was the waiting. If you didn't wait you were liable to make rash decisions while coming down from an adrenaline dump. Everyone was just sitting there in silence waiting for the enemy to react or to do anything. Instead there was just more unseen movement that was beyond hard to predict with the echo that was being produced. He dug his thumb deep into the grip of the shotgun trying to keep himself from moving at all from his position. Then they rushed them all at once. He was not quite sure why they did not just do this to begin with but he guessed it was because everyone they had been fighting were either untrained or poorly trained. It was also a possibility that the different training doctrines of the mercs were nowhere near cohesive enough to form any kind of proper assault. He guessed that the last option made the most sense and pushed the thought to the back of his mind to be used later. The first thing he noticed when they burst into the room was the blue bolt that went and knocked down Voira and was dangerously close to the Quarian. He quickly glanced back at the people entering the room and quickly made his choice. He tapped his cabalist buddy Helio on the shoulder then jumped up into a run and charged. He managed to throw himself in between the Quarian and the what he could now tell was an Asari. He immediately knocked her straight to the ground with a loud metal on metal scrapping sound as her armor hit the floor. Still using some of his momentum from the charge Cactus threw aside his shotgun and put the rest of his biotic energy into his arms making them glow bright and blue with energy. He began punching the Asari as hard as he could with his enhanced fists as apposed to as fast as he could. Snarling and starting to yell at the Asari he began caving in the Asari's chest plate causing her to gasp for air. He began hitting her so hard that he heard her armor crack under his assault. Satisfied that the Asari would not last long and would be less then able to move he Put one final hard punch into the Asari's neck which was slightly exposed. Not realizing how hard he had punched he felt warm blood hit him in the face. Cactus jerked back in his straddling position for a moment to try and wipe off the blood. With grim look on his face he to a peek at what he had done. The Asari's wind pipe had been so completely he saw her bone. He turned back around to the Quarian and said [color=00a651]"Look me."[/color] He then began to get up into the cover that they were near and looked around for his shotgun that he had dumped somewhere. All the while trying to push the body away from the cover with his leg. This was going to a long day.