[hr][center][b][color=green]Rocksmith[/color] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82270-r-a-t-s-rapid-assault-tactical-squad-superhero-turn-based-adventures/char#post-2753709][LINK][/url] [color=yellow][b]Energy:[/b] 4/10[/color] [color=00ff00]40[/color] / [color=00ccff]10[/color] / [color=ff0000]12[/color] [color=lightgreen]Fans: 0[/color][/b][/center][hr] It didn't surprise Rocksmith to learn that Lily had been captured by Professor Von Evilheimer, a villain that every government in the world rarely takes seriously. Lily had a tendency to attract the attention of crappy villains. Fortunately, Lily had played enough Sunset Overdrive to know how to pull off all the awesome moves in the game. Knowing this, Rocksmith easily talks Lily through destroying Professor Von Evilheimer's top secret base that everyone knows about and escaping the joint on a specially trained dolphin-like sea creature. Once that was done, Rocksmith got a text from The Lord Of The Strings. The message contained a quick video tutorial on a few new abilities and improvements on existing abilities. He also got a message from his new road crew saying that they would be stopping by from time to time to give Rocksmith a little pick me up. A few seconds later, a roadie showed up with a bottle of mineral water and gave it to Rocksmith. Rocksmith drank the water, causing his mounds to seal up as if they were never there. [hr] [b]+1 [color=yellow]Energy[/color] No status effects are currently affecting Rocksmith. Actions:[/b] Level up and recover. [color=00ccff][b]Defense[/b][/color] is now [b]10[/b]. [color=ff0000][b]Attack[/b][/color] is now [b]12[/b]. Rocksmith has learned: [color=lightgreen][i]Guns N' Roses[/i][/color], [color=lightgreen][i]Guitar Smash[/i][/color], [color=lightgreen][i]Rize Of The Fenix[/i][/color], [color=lightgreen][i]For The Fans[/i][/color], and [color=lightgreen][i]Gotta Love The Roadies[/i][/color]. The energy cost for [color=lightgreen][i]We Will Rock You[/i][/color] and [color=lightgreen][i]I Am The Walrus[/i][/color] has been reduced by 1.