Okay, this RP is going to be opening up somewhat now that a lot of basics have been revealed on how a Tower operates with the Mor, Engineering, rescue, docks, security and such. More towers other than Earth and Altenia will come into play through out the RP - those that wish it may create a Tower and submit it to me for approval. You will need a specialized T1 for Tower Lead, a pair of T2's bonded for back up lead as well as 2 T2's for head and second in command of security to begin. The planet can be of your own making, as well as the races - either pulled from the existing list of races or ones of your own creation (influences from other Sci-Fi realms are welcome but please make sure that all abilities fall into the shown realm of possibilities. Only restriction is NO Brax'Na) T1 will be restricted to 1 per planet and it must be the tower lead. If you chose to have a mining planet of crystal, you will need singers and I will provide more information on them and such if that is your choice. (They are a tad insane, so make sure you can rp crazy if you do) Your Tower can be devoted to the GTC or wanting to break away to later become part of the resistance. (Remember Talent rankings are determined by DNA, so what you set will be what it is. Only T1 can have a Black crystal and it must be bonded.) Your planet can be anything but heavy military. Whether it be for mining minerals, various crystals (which will be assigned to you if you chose this.), manufacturing, agriculture and so forth.) If you have any questions feel free to ask. This RP is a 3 part, so this is just the first step. Towers will be brought in slowly through out this one and be a main staple of the 2nd and 3rd part.